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Today was the last day we were going to see Taheer before he leaves for the rehab.

We all decided to spend the day with him at his house and just have fun together for the meantime.

While Amir, Salma and Taheer sat together on the biggest couch playing a game, I was currently talking with Khalil on the medium-sized couch.

"So how are you doing at work?" He asked me.

I sighed, "Well, it's been fine and I actually just got paid yesterday. I'm really satisfied with the pay."

He smiled, "That's good to hear. So this... company you work at, what's it called?"

"Um, Sani limited." I replied.

A look of shock appeared on his face but it disappeared as quick as it came.

"Really?" He muttered.

"Yeah...are you familiar?" I questioned.

He gulped, trying to conceal his discomfort with a smile. A clearly fake smile.

He shook his head, "No, it's my first time hearing that."

I knew he was lying but I didn't want to press on the topic any further. Maybe it was something personal.

And he just didn't want to talk about it.

"You said you work for the CEO, correct?" He questioned.

I nodded slowly, a look of confusion evident on my face.

"What's his name?" He asked.

Okay, what's up with the questions?

Well, it wouldn't hurt to just tell him.

So I did, "Mustapha Sani."

Now the shock was beyond visible on his face, and he couldn't even hide it.

"Khalil, do you know Mustapha?" I asked at once.

He gulped, "I don't-"

"Don't lie, please." I sighed.

"Yes. Can we take a walk?" He asked me and I just nodded in return.

We walked outside and began to stroll through the neighborhood.

"How do you know him?" I asked him as we got a bit far from the house.

"We're related." He answered.

"How so?"

I know I'm asking too much but I was really curious.

We stopped walking and he turned to look at me, "We're just family friends and we don't get along well."

That was quite straightforward.

And the answer to all my questions but I felt there was more.

"Is there a reason behind that?" I asked.

"There is. He's a bad person, stay away from him, Karimah." Khalil said.

My brows pressed together, "Are you asking me to stop working for him?"

"If that's what it takes to stay away from him, then yes. You can get a job elsewhere, I can help." He urged.


"Khalil, there's more between me and Mustapha than just work. We're good friends and he certainly doesn't seem like a bad person to me." I told him.

His jaw clenched tight and I could almost see the anger his eyes, "You don't know that. I'm trying to protect you. I'll say it again, he's not who you think he is."

"Khalil, I don't understand..."

"Karimah, Just do as I ask and stay away from him. Please." He pleaded with me.

I sighed as he walked away from me.

I caught up to him and came in front of him, "What did he do to you?"

His jaw clenched tight and I could almost see the anger in his eyes.

"He ruined my life, that's what! He separated me from someone I loved!" He flared up.

I could only gape at him in utter shock and confusion.

"Khalil, what exactly did he do?" I asked softly.

He let out a breath, "He killed my ex-girlfriend."


Mustapha did that?

"But why?" I asked.

"He was jealous and he wanted to ruin our relationship, so he got her killed. He claimed that he loved her too and didn't want her to die but he caused it." Khalil spat.

He looked like he would break down any minute so I pulled him into a hug, just so he would feel better.

He put his arms around me, slightly squeezing me, "Cut all ties with him, Karimah. I don't want him to come between us. I don't want him to take you away from me."

The lump in my throat was making it difficult for me to speak.

I didn't know what to do.

But I said to him, "Okay, if that's what you want then I'll do just that."

This was the best thing to do, right?

He pulled away and smiled at me, I noticed he had already started crying.

"Aw..." I teased him, wiping his tears. My face contorted as I noticed the sticky liquid slipping out of his nostrils, "You have some snot, I'm not wiping that."

He joked laughingly, "Then lend me your veil."

I smacked his shoulder playfully, "Don't be silly!"

He sighed, "It's only a bummer that I already got some snot on your shoulder."

"What?!" I screeched as the feeling of disgust washed over me.

I closed my eyes, "Wipe it off! Khalil, I'm not joking fah!"

"Ah, I was just kidding. Calm down." He said and I opened my eyes again.

I noticed that the snot underneath his nose was gone.

"Did you use my veil while I wasn't looking? Did you use your hand?! Did you lick- Ahhhh!" I screamed as I threw off my veil and started running.

He chased after me but I didn't stop for a second. I kept yelling, "Don't touch me!!"

I just felt so disgusted and unclean.

I finally reached Taheer's house and rushed into their bathroom at once.

I began to wash up all the parts of my body that weren't covered by my cloth but I made sure to start with my hands before touching my face.

I was about to open the door to leave when someone opened it from outside. It was Khalil.

I let out a loud screech before pushing him out of the way and running out of the bathroom.

I heard him laugh behind me as I went into the living room to meet the others.

Khalil soon appeared in the room and beamingly ambled towards us.

"Sup guys." He said with his gaze trained particularly on me.

I looked away from him as the others casually acknowledged his presence.

I could feel his heated gaze drilling into the back of my head but I resisted turning.

Then I felt his presence next to me.

"Get away from me!" I squealed as I sprang up.

Everyone noticed this.

After a moment of silence, Amir taunted me, "Why is everyone surprised? It's Karimah, madness is the norms with her."

"No, Khalil did something disgusting and because of that, I can't stand being near him for the rest of the day." I defended myself.

Khalil only smirked at me devilishly but as I said I would, I avoided him for the rest of the day.

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