Chapter 1

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"It seems I'm always... always too late..." the others ran up to the Electrical room, tears of mixed emotions in their eyes. They stopped however when they heard the small sob and saw the shadows inside. Munakata clutching Sakakura's still-warm body. Asahina covered her mouth to stop herself from sobbing.

"Did you... make it?" Naegi asked quietly. Munakata managed the tiniest nod no before burying his head in Sakakura's chest. Naegi closed his eyes and sighed before turning around to Asahina and Mitarai. Asahina sniffed.

"He died... for us?"

"Yes... but... I think it was specifically for Munakata." Naegi glanced back. "I feel... a similar feeling about those as us with... Kyoko..."

"I see..." Naegi shook his head and snapped himself back into the situation.

"Ryota, would you feel uncomfortable staying here with Munakata by yourself?" Mitarai jumped at the question.

"Oh uh- y-yes, I would prefer to... uh... stay with you two...'' Naegi rubbed his chin.

"What about just one of us?"

"I guess that would be ok..."

"Alright. Hina, you stay here and make sure Munakata doesn't hurt himself." She saluted him with a small smile.

"Ay ay, captain Naegi!" He smiled.

"Then Ryota and I will go look for Byakuya and the search team. Sound good?"


"Alright!" They nodded at each other, then split up, Mitarai running after Naegi. Asahina stood at the electrical door for a minute before silently walking in. She softly took a seat near the two, avoiding as much blood as possible.

"...I'm sorry for your loss Munakata."

"...why should you care?" She looked up and saw him staring at her, without letting go of his friend's dead corpse. His face was shiny from his hidden tears.

"Well... he was really important to you, right?"


"So... it hurts. I know that."

"It shouldn't. This is my fault."

"Don't say that! It's not like you wanted any of this to happen! It's all Junko's fault. It always is!"

"But I killed him."

"...what?" Finally, Munakata loosened his grip to firmly stare at Asahina.

"I stabbed him. Because I thought he was on the side of despair. I'm not even sure how he got here. Then he used the last of his unlimited strength here! To save me... despite my betrayal..."

"But would he want you to blame yourself?"

"It doesn't matter what he wants! It's the truth!!" They went silent. After a moment of silence, Munakata turned back away to hug the slowly cold growing Sakakura.

" know... The person that meant most to me died for me too."

"...Sakura Ogami?"

"You got it!" She awkwardly laughed. "Guess you already know the whole story, huh?"

"Yes...your best friend..."

"More than that. She was the strongest person I knew. Inside and out... always willing to stand up for a friend..."

"...sounds familiar."

"And I loved her. I still do."

"...I understand."

"...well I guess since the world has basically ended there's no harm in me telling you... I was sort of in love with her."

"...what?" Asahina laughed again.

"I didn't exactly get to tell her, but I didn't try to kill everyone over it just 'cause she was my best friend. I..." Tears began to prick at her eyes.

"...I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright now! I know she's in a better place! And she was the last needed before we could defeat Junko! So..."

"I see... like Ogami being the traitor, Sakakura told me Junko was completely innocent... and I still don't know why."

"Well... Sakura was blackmailed so... maybe it was similar for him?" There was silence for a moment before Munakata released Sakakura from his tight grip and looked down at his content face.


"So... I mean do you love him too?"

"...yes, but not as you do Sakura."

"I mean it doesn't hurt to ask, right?"

"No, it doesn't." With that, they fell silent again, which Munakata was grateful for. He held Sakakura in his arms again. Now after regaining his composure, he could properly say goodbye. He began saying his prayers while petting his friend's greasy hair and wishing the warmth wasn't leaving him so fast.

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