Chapter 6

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"Your back!!" Sakakura looked up.

"Oh... Asahina...Mitari..."

"I'm so glad! Now we can all be friends with each other! Or, at least try..." she laughed awkwardly.

"Hmph. Not likely."

"B-but you said you take your orders from Munakata?" Sakakura looked out the hall window.

"So what?"

"So... he's changed his tune a little so..." Sakakura ground his teeth and ignored him.

" know, he really cares about you."

"Ha... fat chance."

"Really! I mean he basically lived in here for the last few weeks!" Sakakura looked around to the perfectly clean room. Only Munakata would maintain such a space.

"...I know that. But this is different."

"It really isn't! See, I was talking to him after you died about Sakura Ogami!"

"From the killing game?"

"You got it! The two of you are super similar! And, while I was sort of in love with her, he showed the same kind of admiration towards you."

"You? Loved Ogami?"

"Ah haha... please don't tell anyone... I mean besides my friends and all. Cause at this point we've seen the worst of each other, what's my sexuality have to do with it? Just don't go screaming to the general population..."


"Yep! He really does care!"

"...he doesn't love me."

"Of course he does!! He wouldn't risk all this for you if he didn't."

"What about Yukizome? He was actually in love with her!"

"He seems pretty upset with her actually."

"Y-you sound upset. A-are you in love with her too?" Mitari spoke for the first time, shocking them both.

"No! Gosh, can't one be friends with a person without that assumption!"

"S-sorry!" He fell back instantly.

"Hey! Don't bully him! We don't exactly know you well, but we're trying our best to get to know you in order to help out!" He scowled. Before looking away again.

"...sorry..." It was quiet for a moment as a group walked by the room. Sakakura tried his best not to look at Munakata as he walked by, but of course, he couldn't help but glance. A couple split off from the group at his door. He sighed as there was another knock.

"Come in!" Asahina did the honers. Behind it was Byuakua Togami and a guard.

"Hello. We've been sent as the official observer for Munakata."

"Observer?" Munakata never sent an observer before. He had continued to come for the recovery, but he never said a word or acknowledged that Sakakura even existed.


"We can keep visiting though, right?" Togami shrugged.

"Be my guest."

"No, you should go." They all went silent at Sakakura's firm statement.

"O-oh... ok..."

"It's late. You two should rest."

"Oh yeah! Good point! See you later!" Asahina popped right back to her normal self as she exited the room, followed by Mitari.

"Hope you don't mind our stay."

"Whatever." He did like it whenever Togami was around because he didn't like to talk. But that day... Sakakura was done waiting patiently.

"...So Makoto Naegi."

"Yes, the sweetest little delusionalist you've ever met, what about him?"

"You're good friends?"

"I'd say so."

" don't seem like the kind of person to declare people your friends or best friends."

"Wherever did you get that impression?"

"So why are you friends with him?" Finally, Togami looked up from his book to stare Sakakura in the eye.

"Simple. Chance. We were in a killing game together. He was one of the smartest people there, which is sad, yes, but he saved my life. So that is why I am friends with Naegi." He turned back away.

"...what about Kyoko Kirigiri?" He slammed his book closed this time.

"Do you have a particular reason you wish to know about my friends?"

"Not really, no. But you three remind me of myself, Yukizome, and Munakata."

"Intriguing. I don't care."

"I'm serious! The hope and glue of the group, the smart and sassy girl, and then the independent one who likes to fight."

"I don't like fighting, thank you very much."

"Maybe not physically, but verbally you do. I've seen it."

"What's your point?"

"Do you love Makoto Naegi?" Togami laughed.

"You're crazy!"

"You really don't love him?"

"-No! Or yes- I don't love him! Not in the way you mean!" Sakakura narrowed his eyes. With a sigh, Buyakua signaled the guard to leave the room. They did, and instantly he was standing over the hospital bed. "Do you have a death wish?" Sakakura just laughed.

"You know it. But not by you preferably. I want to go out in style a second time." Togami leaned in.

"How did you know?" Sakakura smirked.

"Oh, so you do?"

"Shut up."

"You love Makoto Naegi!" Togami didn't hesitate to slap him in the face, but Sakakura was already too content with the information to care.

"One word and you're back to the grave."

"Oh don't worry, I would never."

"And why should I believe you?" Sakakura smiled again and looked up at the glaring face.

"...we're a lot more similar than you think." Togami looked as if he was going to slap him again, but he stopped. He grabbed his wrist, looked down at it, and realized what he was doing. A moment later he was sitting back down with his book open.

" you love Munakata." Sakakura let out a weak laugh.

"Yeah... But if you say anything, you can bet Naegi will be hearing from me."


" do you deal with it?"

"I don't."


"I just move on. He's liked Kirigiri for a long time. With her gone, he won't be interested for a while. Even then, it'll probably be Asahina. Or by good luck, Fukawa." He trailed off at the end.

"Heh... yeah that's kinda how it's going for me too."

"It just isn't worth the effort."

"You'd really just give up that affection?"

"Well, it doesn't look like you've taken any action either! So..."

"... I tried to."

"And how'd that go?" Sakakura laughed.

"He stabbed me before I could finish."

"Tough." The guard poked his head back in and Togami gestured for him to return. Sakakura flipped over on his side ready to fall asleep.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now