Chapter 5

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He collapsed next to Sakakura as usual. He knew it was about time he took a break again, slept and ate, but no one was around to guard his friend. No one trustworthy at least. With a sigh, he wrapped both his hands around his friend's one real hand, and closed his eye.

"Juzo..." he whispered. "I'm sorry... I know you wouldn't approve of anything I've done... disregarding my own morals... bringing you back after my betrayal and you dying for me... working with Naegi to rehabilitate the remnants of despair... and working with them to begin with. And Yukizome? I'm not sure if you even know what happened to her. But I imagine you'd also say it would have been better to let her die... despite how much I know you loved her too... What a love triangle, huh?... but I'm sorry. I hate myself for it too, I know. But if I didn't do this then... I'd be the only one left. And because of that, I wouldn't... make it... so I'm sorry Juzo..."

"...K... Kyo..." he looked up suddenly to see Sakakura's mouth open as he tried to push sound out. Munakata stood up in surprise, still holding onto his hand. Sakakura also started squeezing back.

"J-Juzo! You- you're alive!!"

"....Kyo... suke..."

"Yes! Yes, it's me! Stay with me!" Slowly Sakakura opened his eyes. He squinted up with tiny pupils.

"Kyosuke... what... have... you... done?" Munakata stared for a moment before lowering his head.

"... I know."

"You... idiot..." he stood perfectly still as Sakakura tried to stand up.

"You shouldn't-"

"Shut up." He obeyed. Sakakura managed to stand up while clearly in pain. Without hesitation, he grabbed Munakata by the collar. Instinctively, his hands reached up to grip Sakakura's arms and hold himself up, but seconds later he lowered them, once again refusing to touch him. "Are you stupid??"

"... I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize to me dumbass! You're helping the despairs?? Because you're trying to save me? Can't even touch me, and you know what?? You're right! I am pissed! I- I- I should be dead..." with that he let go and collapsed back against the wall.

"Ah- Juzo!" Munakata hesitated before trying to pull him back up onto the bed. That's how he noticed all his iv's still there had gotten tangled up in his rampage.

"Don't... touch me..." Munakata followed this gladly once Sakakura was back on the bed.

"You shouldn't be up so quickly."

"I shouldn't be up at all! I died for Christ sake! Why- why did you bring me back? Don't answer that you've already told me..." he looked down at his one hand, the one Munakata had reluctantly held so many times. Then he looked at his new prostatic and flexed his fingers. "Wha..."

"Ah... Kazuichi Soda..."

"You... let a despair build me a new arm??"

"Design. Byakuya Togami funded and watched the whole thing being built, so I assure you there are no cameras or other problematic technology inside."

"How do you know a despair infected person didn't get in on it? Huh?"

"Well... I suppose you're right. We can make you a new one. Or just one of plastic. Whatever you want."

"Doesn't matter what it is! Could still be infected!"

"Well, then I'll make you one myself Goddammit!" Munakata froze and regained his composure after yelling for the first time. This was not how he wanted their first interaction to go when he woke up.

"'re an idiot..."

"...I'll go get someone to take care of you."

"No! Just let me die!"

"I'm afraid that's out of the question."

"Why?? You know I'll just become a weakness again! You said so yourself!"

"... You never were a weakness. That was on me and my paranoia. See you later."

"I'll kill you!"

" you won't."

"I will! I died for you! If you truly understand that already why did you do this? What's the real reason? I prepared myself to die, not to come back and have to face you! So If you won't kill me I'll kill you!!" Munakata looked down at Sakakura's scary eyes.

"...I'll be back." With that he walked out, ignoring the cursing that followed him.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now