Chapter 20

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oof sorry I fell off the planet for a second

Tw/Cw: Knife, suicidal intent, slightly more descriptive kissing and cringe

His knife went deep into the wall next to her as he panted. Both men heard new guards approaching. Sakakura turned to face them, no longer sure who he should be fighting. The guards decided they didn't have time to detain him and started prying the doors again with the crowbars. Sakakura looked back in to see Munakata had grabbed the knife out of the wall again and was staring at it. Sakakura looked between him and the motionless Yukizome. Suddenly, Munakata turned the knife back around to himself. Instantly, Sakakura screamed.

"KYOSUKE! DON'T YOU DARE!" Munakata looked up with tears in his eyes.

"...I'm sorry, Juzo..."


"I love you too, you know." Sakakura froze for a second before a tiny spot of red caught his eye.

"Ptf- ah- ky- sh- Yukizome!! Look!" Annoyed, he glanced at her one last time, but froze, seeing what Sakakura assumed he saw himself. Much to Sakakura's relief, he let the knife clatter to the floor. He reached up and wiped away the tiny bit of red falling from her mouth. He sniffed it to confirm it was blood... just in case. He wasn't sure what else it could be... But he still hoped... he lifted Yukizome's head by her chin. Her face was peaceful with closed eyes and a genuine smile on her face. He pressed his middle and forefinger against her neck, a serious look on his face now. Finally, the guards got the door creaked far enough open for another to run inside and grab the knife away. Sakakura watched as Munakata's face slowly became more pained.

"...Chisa..." he whispered. "You're back... You have to wake up... you have to... you finally..." Munakata's head fell as his breathing became jagged. One of the guards specifically for the prison walked in. Sakakura grabbed his arm and whispered to him.

"Go unlock her chains. Right now."

"Sir, the procedure-"

"Screw procedure. He's still your boss no matter how crazy an act he just pulled. He's no longer in danger and she's dead. Unlock her now." Without another word, the guard went up and felt for her pulse as well. Munakata stepped out of the way for the guard to check her breathing and whatever else he seemed to need before confirming her death. Then he pulled out a key and unlocked the first chain. Instantly she began to fall over. Munakata caught her as the guard found the next key for the next chain. She was slowly lowered to the floor. Into Munakata's arms. He pulled her up and buried his face in her shoulder. Sakakura was too distraught at the sight to notice Asahina walking up.

"...I wished this didn't look so familiar."

"...what'd you mean?"

"... It looked exactly like this when you died."

"'re kidding." He watched Munakata's shoulders bounce in his quiet sobs.

"I wish I was. Knowing him so long now, it's weird."

"Tell me about it."

" were friends with her too, right?"


"So you should go say goodbye too. We have to take her body away soon. Along with him. He's gonna get more than an anklet bracelet after this."

"I dunno... I think it's kinda... over."

"...I hope so." With a small smile, she turned back around and left. Hesitantly, Sakakura stepped forward and keeled down across from Munakata. Sensing his arrival, he gently released Yukizome mostly from his grip so she was laying between the two. Sakakura took her hand, surprised by how cold she already was. He squeezed it and made a mental apology. He looked at her smiling face before letting out a single laugh to himself.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now