Chapter 16

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Tw/Cw: Talk of suicide

"If he's awake let me see him!"

"Sorry dude. Can't let you."

"I'm sorry Sakakura but we need to sort this all out."

"Let go of me!" He tried to fight through multiple guards, Hagakure, Asahina, and Mitari with no luck.

"Please calm down!"

"He's going to kill himself!!"

"We won't let him!"

"Have you met him?? He's smarter than you think..." finally Sakakura stopped struggling to take some deep breaths. He stared at the bright orange arm he had gotten just the night before.

"We know. But he said he's not going to, and we'll make sure he won't!" Asahina's soft voice somehow managed to get through him again. He sat down on a chair, defeated. He covered his face with his hands and sighed.

"...what was he thinking?" Asahina sat down next to him.

"We don't know yet. I'm sorry."

"...Dammit..." Tears started pricking his eyes at the idea of Munakata dying for him instead. "...I died for him... and now he's just... so stupid... What have I done..."

"Hey, I don't know what your thinking, but I don't believe there is anything you could've said or did to make him act like this."

"Yeah well, start believing." She sighed and leaned forward to match him.

"... I did tell you, he cares about you a lot."

"So you were right, big deal. But now we need to erase that! He's gonna go psycho!"

"I don't think you can just remove feelings like that."

"I know that!" He snarled at Asahina but she had grown used to it now. She just sighed.

"Look, I'm just as worried as you. We all are. And that's why we will keep him safe with all we have."

"I second that!"

"M-me too!" Asahina laughed at the two sitting down to rest close by. Sakakura looked down at the ground again.

"... I don't understand what he thinks anymore."

"Well, that's a mystery that can never be solved. That's just how humans are."

"I know! But... just yesterday I thought he couldn't stand me. That he was just disgusted by me. And now... he probably still can't stand me... But he still cares."

"What do you mean can't stand you? He specifically asked to room with you for a while."

"Cause he's paranoid. He clearly isn't enjoying it."

"I think you've got this all wrong."

"I don't. I know him in a way you'll never understand. And right now, he's done nothing but hide."

"But isn't that just him all the time? Hiding?"

"Yeah, but not this much. It's cause he doesn't trust me anymore!"

"Am I missing something?" He looked up at her again, squinting at him.

"...probably." She pouted

"What is it?"

"I dunno. Figure it out."

"Lets see," She tapped her chin. "He doesn't trust you? Disgusted? Can't stand? Paranoid?"

"I was kidding."

"Ok well, something happened, right? Something that is making you think he distrusts you again..."

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