Chapter 9

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Sakakura held his jacket tightly around him. He was glad to have it back, despite it still smelling like blood, and poorly patched up. It was comfy, and that's what mattered. Mitari was the one sent in for the final check-up, then he stood outside in the hallway for further instruction. He did whatever he was told, without paying much attention, even when he was with Yukizome for a brief moment. She smiled and tried to hug him. When he refused, she jokingly patted him on the shoulder a little too hard. After that, she was taken away as she waved and said goodbye with a smile... it hurt. Then he was put in an elevator with lots of other members of the Future Foundation... including Munakata. They didn't say a word to each other or even look at one another. Sakakura couldn't help but grimace at the situation, feeling the urge to scream every time he got any closer, which was unfortunate, because once off the elevator, he walked right up to his side to be a guard. Well, there were guards all around, but he was with Sakakura for the rest of that walk as well as Mitari. Silent all the way. Out of the facility, into their truck, the whole ride to their new temporary base... Togami's area, and inside, to the new lab room. His new prison. At that point, he was eager for the operation. Because it meant either death for him, or the end of his recovery, meaning he could be back to Munakata's side until his certain death again. It was obvious he was no longer necessarily wanted, but it wouldn't stop him. If anything, he could find an excuse to fight more powerful things in the name of Munakata's safety. He was even comforted in this... at the wrong time, however. He started smirking to himself just as they were beginning to put him under again. Being so out of it... he still didn't even notice what he was being told to do. He found himself staring up at Munakata as he began to drift off to sleep. Already slightly delirious, his eyes shot open.

"Kyosuke..." he raised his arm out to him with no response as he fell under.

- - - - -

"Are you sure this is the best course of action?" Naegi nervously paced back and forth in front of Munakata.

"Of course. If he's awake, he will try to sneak onto the truck when we depart. You've seen him. His entire goal now that he's been reincarnated in a sort, is to protect me... he'll end up starting a fight and getting himself killed again..." He stared down at the floor as Naegi stopped pacing to sit next to him.

"I know... it just feels wrong."

"He'll be awake the moment we're far enough away."

"We won't get to say goodbye to him though!"

"You plan to get back alive don't you?"

"Yeah! Of course! But... I mean you never know... And maybe a goodbye message would help him relax when he wakes up?"

"...If you really think so, you can record him a message before you leave."

"Oh! That's a great idea! We can both say bye to him on video!" Munakata narrowed his eyes.


"Well, I figured you might want to..." Naegi awkwardly laughed as Munakata sighed.

"... Maybe. Let's get ready for the operation for now. We can't afford any slip-ups today."


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