Chapter 10

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"Gooood morning sleepy head!" Sakakura blinked his eyes open to a blurry view.

"... Yuki...zome?" He panicked for a split second at the cheery voice..

"What? No! It's me! Hina! Er- Asahina!" He closed his eyes tightly to better clear his vision. Slowly he began to recognize the huge smile in front of him.

"...Munakata..." Sakakura struggled to sit up at first, but he quickly had his legs over the side of the bed.

"Woah, slow down dude! You're gonna get all dizzy!" Sakakura looked up at the strange voice.

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"What? Hina, you didn't tell him?"

"Ahehe... sorry! This is Yasuhiro Hagakure."

"At your service!" Sakakura looked him up and down.

"Hagakure, huh? You look different."

"Uh, thanks I guess." Sakakura began to try sitting up again. "Hey! You really are gonna pass out again!"

"You're only right thirty percent of the time. So shut up." Hagakure looked offended for a second before they all stopped to turn towards a small voice.

"He's right you know..."

"Oh great. Mitari."

"Y-you need to eat and stuff... besides... Munakata's already gone." Sakakura gasped.

"Gone? What do you mean gone??" He took a step forward and he was struck by the same blinding sensation as the first time he woke up. Dizziness beyond compare. He fell back down to the bed.



"He's not gone. They just went to get the simulation up and running." Sakakura scowled.

"Not better."

"They should be back soon. In the meantime, we're all gonna keep an eye on you! Including those guys!" She pointed out the door of the room where many people dressed in lab coats were all standing.


"Oh and uh...N-Naegi, Togami, and Munakata all left you a message." Sakakura's eyes went wide.


"Y-yeah. Wanna see them?"


"Ah! O-ok I'll get the tablet!" Mitari ran out of the room in a panic.

"Aw sweet! Get to see some good old messages."

"They aren't for you."


"So they're personal dummy!" Asahina stepped in, rubbing her chin in thought.

"Come on!"

"That being said, we can't leave you alone either."

"Why not? I'm not weak."

"You're in a hospital bed and were dead a few weeks ago, we aren't taking chances."

"Hmph." Sakakura crossed his arms.

"Ah- Ryota!" He jumped as soon as he was back in the room.


"Can you go find some headphones too!"

"Of course! I'm on it!" He ran away again

"Problem solved!" Aoi smiled to herself and Sakakura rolled his eyes.

"You're stubborn."

"So are you!"

"Aw man, I can't stand stubborn people!" Hakakure held his head in his hands while whining. Aoi just laughed.

- - - - -

"Ah- is it working?" There was mumbling in the background. "Great! Uh... hey Sakakura! As you know we're off to get the remnants of despair into the Neo-World program... and I know that's not how you wanted this to go, but it's been worth it to have you back! And I know this will work! You just gotta believe! We'll be back by tomorrow! Until then, get some rest!"

- - - - -

"Greetings Sakakura. While we did not participate in the death game together I- is Naegi gone?" Togami suddenly directed his attention off camera. "Wonderful." He turned back. "Alright Listen here. Just making sure we are perfectly clear. Don't spill any beans while I'm not there. Naegi will return before me, so don't say anything! Don't think I've forgotten. And I will tell Munakata. Ok? Great." Sakakura laughed.

"Won't do much anymore..." he mumbled under his breath.

"That being said, do rest up. We wouldn't want you to be in bad shape when we return. So long."

- - - - -

Munakata sighed then looked straight at the camera.

"Sakakura.... Juzo..." he made it plain that he was fighting himself on the inside. "We shall return soon. I order you to take care of yourself and your health until we get back. And after if course but.... You understand. Eat and rest... I trust you will be alive and well when I return. And so... uh..." Munakata struggling for words was a rare and ugly sight. "J-just hold on. I'll carry you with me for strength... so... I... I'll see you when we get back. We'll... talk then." There was a moment of silence as Munakata stared at the camera as if forgetting something. Then he sighed before reaching for the camera to turn it off.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now