Chapter 2

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"Hey guys!" The two boys came running back, catching both of their attentions.

"You found Byakuya?"

"And his whole crew! They're going around collecting everyone's bodies now. For you know a... proper burial..." Asahina stood up and dusted her pants.

"Guess we better get going huh?" She looked down at Munakata who didn't move.

"Uh... hey Mitari, could you escort Aoi to the rendezvous point?" Naegi and Asahina silently communicated.

"Uh- sure."

"Alright, Mitari! Show me the way!"

"H-hey! You can't go ahead of me!" He once again ran out, this time following Aoi Asahina. Naegi walked over and squatted down next to Munakata.

"Hey uh... you wanna take him... instead of leaving the crew to it?" He nodded silently. "Want some help?" Wordlessly, Munakata stood up, carrying Sakakura in his arms. "Got it. Let's uh... this way." They walked silently, Naegi tracing his way back. They ran across a worker very quickly though.

"We're trying to create a safer pathway back. Please go down that way and turn left after the cone."

"Oh, uh, alright." Naegi turned that way and began to look around. He suddenly felt on edge, and Munakata sensed it. Once they got to the cone, Naegi stopped.

"What is it?"

"Something... isn't right."

"How so?" Suddenly, three shadows appeared at the end of the hallway. On instinct the two of them turned around only to find the guard and two new shadows in the way. The guard pulled his hat off and bright pink hair fell out. He smiled with his shark teeth and Naegi felt his heart sink.

"I see you recognize me Mr. Naegi!" Kazuichi Soda laughed. He looked closer. The other two at his side were Gundham Tanaka and Mikan Tsumiki.

"How did you get here?" Munakata gently placed down his friend and began to pull out his sword.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Tanaka's low voice struck them both into freezing.

"Yes! You're outnumbered a-and you have no clue what we have on our side!"

"What do you want?"

"Ah shut up Naegi! You aren't who we need!" Soda walked up to Munakata, right up to the point of his sword. "It's us who need to talk, Kyosuke Munakata."

"...what do you want?" His voice shook ever so slightly.

"Miss Chisa."


"Are you deaf meat head? I said, Miss Chisa. As in Chisa Yukizome?"

"What about her?"

"We want her back."

"...she's dead."

"I know! Miscalculation on our part. Kinda need her back. No big, just need a bit of assistance obtaining her body!"

"For what purpose?"

"Hey Mikan? Do they honers, will you?"

"Oh! O-of course! We're going to bring her back to life!" It was silent for a moment.

"...are you quite mad?"

"Maybe. But do you doubt our ability?"

"Yes, I do! She's been dead for many hours!"

"Well, we can work with a few days!"

"Even if you could, why should we assist the likes of you??"

"Cause we'll kill you otherwise."

"Bring it on." Munakata tightened the grip on his sword.

"Oh, and we'll also bring your precious Juzo Sakakura back alive too!" Munakata stopped as his face dropped.

"A-are you serious?"

"Serious as ever! And look, we won't actually take Chisa until Juzo is up and running too. Sound like a deal?" Everything in Munakata was screaming no, but as he looked down at Sakakura's body and recalled what he had done, what Sakakura had done, how he was wrong about him being on despair's side, and how he killed him before he was going to say something important... he couldn't bring himself to raise his sword in defense. He looked over at Naegi who looked just as conflicted. They stared at each other for a moment, before Naegi let out the smallest nod.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now