Chapter 12

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Tw/Cw: Cursing

"Beyond perplexing!" Togami paced back and forth while the other two sat to talk.

"Well, there has to be some reason!"

"Maybe..." Munakata pinched the bridge of his nose. "But all that work... for what?"

"We're just going in circles! It's pointless to keep talking about it!" He hit the table.

"Byakuya!" Makoto's gentle voice accompanied by the hand on his back made Togami go quiet. They stared at each other for a second before he stood back up and cleared his throat.

"Apologies. I lost my temper."

"It's alright."

"That being said," Munakata pulled them both back into the conversation. "Togami is correct. There isn't much we can do about it now, except get them in the simulation and keep a watchful eye on her."

"Do you think-" there was a knock on the door. Munakata sighed.

"Come in." It cracked open.

"Sir, the call is for you." He stood up hastily.

"Call? What call?"

"It's for emergencies only. Take me there." They quickly left, leaving Naegi and Togami to register and catch up. Munakata took the phone.

"Munakata speaking."

"Ah! Munakata!"


"Yeah it's me!"

"Why do you have the phone?"

"Most of the others are disassembling the robotic arm! It exploded."

"Excuse me?"

"It just- started sparking!"

"Is Sakakura alright?"

"Ah! He wasn't wearing it when it happened." He let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. How long ago did this happen?"

"About half an hour ago. A-a-and after that he immediately passed out!"

"Well that isn't a huge surprise. He is still weak after all."

"I know but... it was just really sudden! And as time went on he started looking more and more in pain until I just couldn't stand it anymore and had to call-" there were mumblings in the background and she gasped. "Sakakura!"

"Is he awake?"

"Yeah! ...hey, how you feeling?" There were only mumblings in response.

"...could I speak to him?"

"Of course! one sec... it's Munakata..."

"...he want- hey quit it-"


"Ah- M-Munakata..."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... yeah I'm great."

"What do you feel in particular?"

"I dunno. My head hurts like a bitch."

"Language!" she yelled from the side.

"Shut up."

"Internally, or is it outwardly too?"

"Why would it be outwardly?" Munakata sighed.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now