Chapter 8

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Spoilers for Danganronpa Despair Arc (but if you made it this far, you probably don't care.)

"Is it true?" Munakata jumped away from the scare.

"Oh, Sakakura. Is what true?"

"We're both being discharged tomorrow?"

"Ah... yes..." He walked past Sakakura to his usual sitting spot, and Sakakura followed suit, sitting on the bed across from him.

"You can't seriously be allowing this!" Munakata sighed and leaned forward, motioning for Sakakura to do the same.

"The plan should be put into action just hours after the release," He whispered.

"You're doing that too?"

"...yes." Sakakura sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Will I at least be able to come along?"

"It's too dangerous for you. We need you in the organization so that if they manage to pull something last minute, you'll be able to survive."

"But who's gonna protect you if I'm not there?"

"It isn't going to be violent, Sakakura."

"At least bring your sword?" Munakata sighed this time.

"I will. Not sure why you're so concerned though..." Sakakura looked away and mentally hyped himself up to speak normally.

"'ve you been?" Munakata looked away, indicating he was back to not responding. "Really? Not touching, talking, even acknowledging me? If you're going to act like this, why keep me around to begin with?"

"...that's not how it is."

"Ok, then how is it?" Without a response, Sakakura stood up and walked towards him. He grabbed Munakata by the shoulders and forced him to look up. "It's not that bad is it?" Munakata swallowed as he stared at the unnaturally pink eyes.

"...What are you doing?" Sakakura then let go of one shoulder and grabbed Munakata's hand instead. Similar to how it used to be when he was asleep. "J-Juzo!!"

"Kyosuke." They stared at each other for a minute before Sakakura sighed and let go to sit down next to him. Munakata instantly relaxed. "Listen... I'm sorry for yelling at you the past few days..."

"...well, I'm sorry for stabbing you."

"Yeah, that was a bit uncalled for."

"...I really thought you were on the side of despair... I didn't want to believe it, and you certainly didn't act anything like Chisa..."

"That's 'cause I wasn't."

"...what were you going to tell me? Before... you know, I stabbed you?"

"Ah..." Sakakura closed his eyes and fought himself for a moment. "It's not important anymore."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Even if it was, why would I have to tell you?"

"Fair enough..." Munakata leaned forward to stare at the floor and twisted his hands together.

"... Kyosuke I... uh... despite everything... I'm glad we're back together... And safe..."

"... Me too." They glanced at each other with small smiles.

"... I'll always be on your side."

"Hm... I know you will be..." Munakata shifted uncomfortably. "C-could- would it be alright if I asked you something?"

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now