Chapter 17

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Tw: uhhhh implied suicidal intentions?

"So how does it feel to be out?" Naegi slid up next to him.

"Wonderful. I can't imagine how Yukizome deals with it, weeks at a time."

"Good thing they let you out in 48 hours right? Well, and a tracking anklet." They both looked down at the mechanical bracelet.

"Yes, I suppose... So what's the plan for today?"

"Well, there hasn't been a whole lot. I know their trying some new tests and checking out Sakakura's arm again."

"Still nothing I presume?"

"Yeah. And since it's been so long, there's no way to tell where else he got it, since the bruise is gone."

"Did you ask him about pain?"

"Yeah but it was a while ago. He's had plenty of pain reductors and anesthetics since."

"True enough. And the neo-world program?"

"Not much. We're thinking it's getting close though with Komaeda and the despair disease."

"Oh, yes. Would you mind showing me that?"

"Oh! Great idea! Lets go!"

- - - - -

Sakakura looked up the moment heard the door clicking open. He stood up to face Munakata as he stepped in.

"Uh hey..."

"Hello... Why are you still awake?"

"Huh? It's only midnight!"

"Are you a child? Go to sleep."

"Well what about you?"

"I've done nothing but sleep the past few days. I might need a minute." They stared at each other very seriously before Sakakura broke into a smile.

"Glad to have you back."

"Glad to be here. Now go to sleep."

"Ok, dad." He quickly walked to the door, not wanting to disobey his friend that still seemed close to collapse."


"Hey... Thanks again Kyo."

"At least say Kyosuke. And I should be thanking you." Sakakura scoffed.

"See you tomorrow."

"Yeah..." he closed the door leaving Munakata to reconsider what he was about to do. But in the end, he sat down at got to work.

- - - - -

He slept very lightly again. Still, on edge from Munakata's breakdown, he couldn't stop being on guard. It was his job after all. So hearing the bedroom door click was a given. But hearing it again, then the soft beep of the front door was more concerning. Sakakura sat up quickly. On Munakata's bed was a piece of paper. He got out of bed and walked over. The first line was enough for him.

Dear Juzo, I apologize for what I'm about to do.

 He stuffed the paper in his pocket and quickly ran out.

"...Kyosuke? You there?" Even though he heard the door click, he looked around for him anyway. It's not like he could go far without getting caught. But that comfort was taken away instantly when he saw the silver anklet on the couch. Sakakura froze before rushing over to pick it up. It was still slightly warm. So he hadn't gotten far. Without another thought, he ran to the door and flung it open. He ran down the hall to hit Naegi's, Asahina's, Mitarai's, and finally Togami's button. Naegi was the first to open his door, holding a piece of paper.


"Naegi!" He rushed back over and showed him the bracelet. Instantly his eyes opened wide.

"Don't tell me this is his?"

"It is! He left!"

"How long ago?"

"About five minutes so he shouldn't be far." Asahina opened the door next.

"What's all the ruckus?"

"Hina! Get as many people up as you can stat!"

"You got it!" She looked fearful but began to go ringing every doorbell. As Sakakura stared down the hallway biting his tongue, Naegi unfolded his own paper. Sakakura watched as his face dropped.

"What is it?" Makoto read for another minute before swallowing and looking up.

"We need to find him fast."

"What is it???"

"A- a- goodbye letter." Sakakura immediately turned to start running towards Yukizome's cell. Makoto yelled that he'd be right there before joining Aoi in gathering people. Sakakura ran as fast as he could. Faster than ever. He almost ran into a few walls and carts, but not enough to deter him. Once there he saw Munakata standing through the first door level of the cell.

"Kyosuke!!" He looked up fearfully before jamming a button. Instantly the door began to close. Sakakura lunged as Munakata turned to go through the second door. Sakakura reached out to grab him without thinking, and his new arm immediately got crushed by the door. He stared for a second thankful that he couldn't feel it.

"Don't ignore me Kyosuke! Kyosuke Milo Munakata!!" Nothing he said made him even glance back. After a moment he heard the next safety door opening and a loud crunching sound. He couldn't see enough to tell what it was, but Munakata stepped forward and closed the second door completely behind him. Sakakura panted for a moment before he started screaming. "KYOSUKE, COME BACK!! YOU PROMISED! THE FUTURE FOUNDATION NEEDS YOU! I NEED YOU, PLEASE!!" He was only sobbing a few minutes later when more people arrived.

"What the hell is happening?" Sakakura sniffed and looked up, squinting.

"He went in. Locked behind him." His voice cracked despite trying to sound tough as ever. not without Kyosuke.

"Jesus!" Sakakura looked over to where Togami was looking. The control panel had been completely smashed, to the point you couldn't even tell it was a control panel.

"T-there's another way in, right?!" Togami turned to his guards.

"Get every electrition we have here, stat!" Sakakura's face sank.

"There has to be another way in! That's bad security!"

"There is." Togami snapped and turned back to him. "It just would take too long for this outer door. However..." he pointed to Sakakura's arm still in the door. "That will do." He snapped his fingers and more guards surrounded him, now one with a crowbar. It took a few seconds, but eventually, the door squealed open. Making a loud grinding metal sound, but it worked. Sakakura pulled his 'arm' back on looked at it. He sighed. All of Munakata's hard work down the drain... but even more of his work would be lost if they didn't save him. They started discussing the next door. With the control panel destroyed it was bad, but the smaller keypads in between each of the doors were beyond destroyed. It wasn't looking good. Another guard found a crowbar and the two of them started to try to pry the door open. Sakakura tried to take deep breaths as Asahina helped him remove the glitching arm. He paced around imagining all the terrible things that could be happening. For all they knew, he could be dead already. They couldn't check the cameras either. It must've taken a little over five minutes for them to get the second door open. As they started the next one, that was exactly the same situation, the electricians previously called step in. They started examining the wires of the control board and the small keypad of the door. Sakakura watched anxiously, wanting to scream to hurry up. But he knew that this time, his interrupting would just lower the chances of their success. So he just prayed to any and all gods above, that Munakata would survive.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now