Chapter 21

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They missed Asahina's voice until it was too late.

"Alright, guys. Let's get you two to bed before- oh jeez! I'm sorry uh... I'm gonna check on Makoto." They both pulled back as she hurried away. They stared after her before laughing and helping each other stand up.

"Guess it's about time."

"Idiot, it was time 3 hours ago. If you just stayed in bed..."

"Well...In the end it wasn't the worst right?"

"Yeah... If only she could see us now."

"... I bet she can. And I bet she's happy." Sakakura scoffed.


"Hm." Munakata smiled a bit before grabbing Sakakura's hand and pulling him along. He was too tired to object at that point. They walked through the doors with just a bit of a struggle. By the time they got there, their expressions were neutral again. Like nothing had happened at all. As they went through the last door they heard Asahina once again.

"Jeez! Why is it so hard to find a- ah! You guys too?!" She quickly ran from around the corner covering her red face, only to almost hit the two standing there.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah! You guys!! I'm so sorry on walking in on you two! A-and I'm glad your ok!" She smiled awkwardly, as the two tried to decipher her quick gibberish. Only a second later, Naegi came running out of the same hallway, followed by Togami.

"Aoi! W-we can explain!" She looked between the two pairs before making a miserable noise and running away. Naegi tried to run after her, but Togami held him back.

"Let her go. She just needs some time to cool off."

"Let me guess. She caught you two making out?" The two looked at Munakata's serious face, Naegi turning bright red.

"N-no! Why would you think that!"

"Naegi, you imbicile, the same thing happened with those two." Togami pointed to their two hands. Naegi released a breath.

"Oh! Good for you guys. So that means.... Ah! Aoi! I'm sorry, we didn't mean to overwhelm you!" The others stared after him until Togami sighed.

"Well, good morning gentlemen. If you'll excuse me I have to go catch my little delusionist." He walked after Naegi leaving them to walk back to their room laughing. Once they reached the door they stopped.

"Hey, Kyosuke?"


"...thank you. For all you've done." Munakata smiled gently.

"And thank you too, Juzo."

"Heh. I'll be your guardian whenever you like."

"You work way to much."

"Oh yeah? Well, if I wasn't doing my job I would have been too late to stop you!"

"... Thanks."

"Don't say thanks for that."

"No, really! Thank you... For not being too late."

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now