Chapter 4

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"You need to get some sleep." Munakata shot his head up to see Asahina.

"Oh. It's you."

"Yep. And I haven't been here once without you here as well. So go sleep!"

"I can't."

"I'll stay here instead. I'll even call Makoto, Byakuya, a few bodyguards just... get some sleep. Eat something too."

"Not interested."

"I- I know how you feel." The two of them looked over at the door to see Mitari standing there, holding himself.

"Oh, hey! Didn't see you following me!"

"H-hi... I.. Know what it's like to be so passionate about something you forget to eat and sleep..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Asahina is right. You need to take care of yourself... b-be healthy for when he comes back... he died for you after all..." Munakata swallowed then looked down at Sakakura. His face had more color, and he no longer needed blood bags to support him.

"...promise you'll stay with him until I come back."

"Of course!"

"We won't move an inch."


-  -  -

They pushed him in the door and he immediately froze. He crossed his arms and looked away from the ginger-haired figure. She looked up and immediately went running.

"Oh, Kyosuke!" She ran straight into him and wrapped his arms around him.


"Silly! You know you can call me Chisa!" He sighed, already mentally begging to get out.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Cause I wanted to see you! I missed you a lot!" She pulled back and looked up at him with a smile. Munakata stared straight forward to stop himself from falling for that smile again.

"No, you didn't."

"What? W-why do you say that? I- I love you Kyosuke!" His face went dark.

"No, you don't."

"What?" Tears started falling from her eyes. "What happened to you? You- you're our friend! our hope! Our-"

"And you're my despair. I know what you've done now. Who you've become. So don't even try." They stared at each other for a moment. Chisa's eyes wavering back and forth. She then lowered her head and began to cry... Munakata felt a sharp pain in his heart hearing it. She held back sobs of seemingly despair... but he said nothing. And nothing. And still nothing. And just as he began to doubt his judgment, the tears changed a little. They sounded more like muffled exclamations... And then she laughed. Quietly, then loudly, louder than he had ever seen her laugh before. She started pounding his chest with her fist as if trying to stop her laughter. He didn't know what to do anymore. Eventually, she let go of him completely to hold her stomach as she kept laughing. Instinctively he backed away.

"Oh, Kyosuke! You're so silly! You'd really stop loving me over a little despair?"

"You aren't the real Chisa. She would never have done those things."

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Kyosuke. I am Chisa! I've just seen the truth! I know you're far from ready to accept despair as all-powerful, but that doesn't have to split us up! Come on..." She slid up close to him again, throwing her arms around his shoulders, a sweet smile plaguing her face... It made him sick. Sick and angry at himself for how badly he wanted this. To say yes. To give in to despair if it meant having her back on his side. But he had already fallen too much. Much more than he could justify to begin with. Enough to make him fear himself with the control over his life. He looked down at the eyes of the friend he once loved. A person he once wished would stay by his side forever. He swallowed and pulled her hands off his shoulders. He gently pushed her back toward the hospital bed, then, trembling and full of regret, he placed a kiss gently on her cheek.

"Goodbye... Chisa Yukizome." She did nothing but smile and sit down politely after this. She didn't even call out to him as he left the room again practically running and slammed the door behind him.

"Woman. Can't live with them..." He looked up, panting to see Byakuya Togami sitting at the desk, clearly not going to finish his statement.

"Why are you here?"

"Waiting for Naegi. We have a meeting."

"...I see." Munakata walked past him awkwardly to return to Sakakura's room. Togami didn't seem to mind though as he went back to reading his book.

The Revival: A Danganronpa fanfiction (Juzo x Kyosuke)Where stories live. Discover now