He makes you feel insecure- michael

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Michael: One day you and Michael were going out to lunch. You had decided on getting the usual, pizza. While you were sitting there waiting for the pizza to come out you were playing on your phone. About 10 minutes later there it was, right in front of you. Michael got the first slice and then you. After about 2 slices you realized you were still hungry. You went to grab a 3rd slice when Michael stopped you. "Woah (y:n), don't you think that's enough pizza for a while. Geez, you already weigh like 200 pounds." He said. You looked up at him and he immediately knew what he had said. "Is that how you feel about me? You think I'm fat and shouldn't eat a lot." You said angrily. You stood up, took the rest of the pizza in the box and smashed it on his new Blink-182 shirt. You ran outside and hid in a small alley. "(Y/n)! I'm sorry please come back, I didn't mean it!" He said. He finally found you . "I'm so sorry babe, I was being a big jerk. Let me take you home and we can cuddle." he said. You really loved him and his cuddles. "Okay, it's a deal." You said. It was hard at first to convince you, but you gave in when he said cuddles.

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