#Pet he buys for you

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Ashton: You were sitting at home one day scrolling through your twitter news feed when you were feeling quite lonely. Ashton was home from tour but, he was spending the day with the boys. You really wanted some company so you thought about asking him to buy you a pet! You were done scrolling through your phone so you decided to go downstairs and watch television. You turned it on and started watching Ridiculousness.

You were watching it for a while then you heard Ashton walking over to you. "Hey (Y:N)!" He said. "Hey Ash, do you think maybe I could get an animal to keep me company while you're gone?" You asked. He came over to you and hugged you. "Sure (Y:N), we will go to the pet store and get you anything you want!" He said.

You nodded and walked up to yours and Ashton's room to get your keys. You guys soon arrived to the pet store and you picked out what you wanted. You ended up getting a black and white rabbit and you named her snowball.

Michael: You and Michael were sitting on the couch watching tv until a pet food commercial came one. You had sit there and continued watching it until Michael spoke up.
"(Y:n), how would you like to have a pet of your own?" Michael asked. You sat there thinking. I mean it could give me some company while he was gone. "I would love to have one!" You shouted. Michael leaned over kissed your cheek and pulled you off of the couch. "Come on! Let's go get you an animal!" Michael yelled. You giggled and followed behind. You soon arrived to the animal shelter. Michael walked in with you gripping your hand. You guys followed a lady to the cat room first. You walked in and found the perfect little kitten. The kitten was grey, almost a smokey color. "Michael, I found the perfect one!" You exclaimed walking over to the kitten. He laughed and picked up the kitten. "Uh, I think she likes this one so we'll take it!" He said. The lady nodded and told us what gender it was. It was a female. We soon arrived home and Michael and I played with her in the living room. "So, (Y:N) have you decided what to name her yet?" He asked. "Uhmm, I think I will name her Smokey, because of her color!" You said. After you said his name the kitten looked at you and purred. You and Michael sit in the living room and played with Smokey the rest of the day.

Luke: You and Luke were having a lazy day. Playing video games, talking, and well eating! You were getting kinda bored and started texting your friend. You and (Y:B:F:N) were texting about animals. Oh how you really wanted one. You looked up from your phone. "Luke, can we get an animal?" You asked. Luke sit there for a moment. "Uh, sure (Y:N)! Come on, let's go." He said. You and Luke finally arrived at the humane society. You got out of the car and started jumping up and down. Luke looked at you and started smiling. "Welcome to the humane society, what can I help you with?" The lady said."Uhmm, do you guys have a bulldog?" You asked. The lady thought for a moment and she told us to follow her. You walked into a room with only dogs. Luke grabbed your hand and pulled you along with him. You stared in shock as you seen the perfect bulldog puppy. It was white and brown. It was a male. You and Luke took him home and played with your new bulldog, Sam.

Calum:" (Y:N)! Come here I got you something today!" Calum yelled. You were playing with a rubix cube when Calum called your name. You ran downstairs and see Calum holding a little container. You were suspicious and Calum noticed. "Whoa, (Y:N) calm down! Before you see what's in here you have to give me something." He said. You agreed an asked what he wanted. "Alright, Calum what do you want?" You said with a smirk. "I'll have one kiss before you see what I bought you!" He said. You stood on your tip toes and kissed him. He looked down at you and smiled. "Alright! I got you a pet crab!" Calum explained. You looked into the and seen a bright pink shell. Awe, how sweet. You picked up the crab and held it in your hand. "So, (Y:N) what are you going to name him?" Calum asked. You thought for about 5 seconds and blurted out the name Booshka. Calum laughed and asked why. "Well, it's the name of the O2L boy's crab." You said. He hugged you and put Booshka back in his cage!

I hope you guys enjoy it! I was writing this for what seemed like forever! Remember comment or message me for a preference idea or an imagine. 😝

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