The first time you meet

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(B/f/n)- best friends name. xD

Luke- Today you were going to the music store to buy a new guitar. You've been playing guitar since you were 12 years old and now you're 18. You walked into the music store and seen the perfect Gibson guitar. You basically ran over to it because it was on sale. You picked it up and started strumming a couple cords to a song. "Wow, you're really good." Someone said. You looked up and seen a tall blonde boy with bright blue eyes. "Hi, my name is Luke." He said. "Uh I'm (y/n)." You answered. "You play very well, how about you come over to my house and we could maybe play together." He said nervously. "Sure, I would like that." You smiled. You two soon exchanged numbers.

Ashton- You and your friend (b/f/n) were going to a party. This was your first party and you were nervous. You got all dressed up and looked very pretty. You friend soon came over and you drove off. When you pulled up you could here the loud bass coming from inside. You got out of the car and walked in. Lights were flashing every where and you thought that was cool. You got so caught up in the music and the pretty lights(lol) you accidentally ran into some one. "I'm so sorry I didn-" you looked up and seen a boy with sandy colored hair and he had a bandana around his head. "It's alright, my name's Ashton by the way." He said with a smile. "My name is (y/n)" you said. "Hey do you wanna get out of here and go have dinner or something?" He asked. "Sure, this party is kinda weird anyway." You said. You guys ended up dating about 1 week after that.

Calum- Your mom had called you and asked if you would take your brother to his soccer game. When you got there you gave your brother a hug and told him good luck. About 5 minutes into the game someone came and sat beside you. "Hi, I'm Calum!" He said excitedly. You looked up and seen a brown eyed, black haired boy. He was very cute. "Hi, I'm (y/n)!" You exclaimed. "You're really pretty, how about I take you on a date tomorrow?" He said with a smile. You nodded and gave each other your numbers.

Michael- You had just gotten 50 dollars for your birthday. You had decided to go and buy a new game. When you got to the game shop you seen they had 'The Last Of Us' on sale. You practically ran over to when all of a sudden a tall faded hair boy grabbed the game. "Hey! I was going to get that!" You exclaimed. He started laughing and handed it to you. "I'm sorry, I'm Michael by the way." He said with a smile. "(Y/n)" you said. He stood there for a moment and then spoke up. "Hey, (y/n) would you like to come over and play games with me?" He said. "Yeah, I would really like that. It sounds fun!" You exclaimed. You bought the game and went over to Michael's house.


I'm sorry I haven't updated! I feel bad! I know this sucks, I tried. :)

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