Chapter 7 - Best Friends

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"Wake up, we're shifting and going for a run," said Ava, as she nudged Lily awake. Lily opened one eye, and peered over the top her duvet to look out the window, it was still dark out.

"What time is it?" croaked Lily

"5am, the best time to go for a run. Alpha Knight, Beta Jaxon and I start all our mornings like this. It's important to release your wolf each day, it keeps you strong. When was the last time you shifted?" inquired Ava.

Lily thought about the last time she shifted, was it three months ago? Lily didn't like shifting, you had to get naked, and she wasn't comfortable with her body like Ava was. There was another side effect, of releasing her wolf, that she found really embarrassing.

"Last time I shifted, something a little weird happened..."said Lily quietly, as she sat up in her bed and stretched her arms. Her normally, beautiful wavy tresses, resembling more of bird's nest this morning.

"What happened?"

"It's kind of embarrassing to admit. After my run, when I shifted back, I had these...urges. I mean...I'm 22 years old, so it's not like I've never had them before, but they were really strong this time. After shifting back, I passed Josh on patrol, and I almost jumped his bones." Lily blushed as she spoke, and Ava chuckled at her.

"Lily, you do know that shifting into your wolf effects your hormone levels, and it's normal to be horny afterwards? That's why sex is so great after unleashing your wolf. Why didn't you just have sex with one of your pack members, to give you that release? Ok maybe not with Josh, the poor kid would probably have come in his pants at the sight of you naked," chuckled Ava, as she continued "regular sex is not only natural, but also healthy. Just ensure it's always between two consenting adults, you treat yourself and each other with respect, and of course always practice safe sex".

"So're not that what you do, have sex with one of your pack mates?" asked Lily.

"Well actually...yes there is someone I have regular sex with. I guess the term humans would use is "fuck-buddy". Ava laughed, "we've been friends since childhood, and lost our virginity together when we were 18. We actually took a blood oath to always treat each other with respect". Ava left out mentioning their sexual boundaries they had in place, like no kissing or tasting each other's essence. She had never told anybody about her blood oath, but she inherently trusted Lily, and instinctively felt the urge to be completely honest with her.

"Wow! You must really trust each other to take a blood oath?" said Lily.

Lily had heard of blood oaths; you had to slit your palms and make your vows while clasping hands. Once your bloods interlaced, the oath was binding, breaking it could even result in death for either person. Where you slit your palm, the wound never fully heals, leaving a scar like a mate bite mark. It is said you will feel a bond with that person forever, not as strong as a mate bond, but none the less you are tied to them for life. Therefore, a blood oath is considered one of the most sacred vows you can make.

"Do you love him? If you've taken a blood oath you're bonded for life, so you must love him very much and he must love you too?" asked Lily. Ava looked at Lily thoughtfully How can I explain my relationship with Caden, in a way Lily will understand? She pondered.

"We certainly do have a strong bond, and yes in a way we do love each other, but we both believe deeply in the mate bond. We never expected our affair to go on for almost a decade. Of course, life would be so much easier for us to become chosen mates, and just be done with the search. But the chances of fertility with a chosen mate is so low, and he especially needs to have children as he has to secure his lineage being an Al...," Ava abruptly stopped talking, goddess she almost admitted she was sleeping with the Alpha. It was scary how easily Lily seemed to be able to extract information from her. She was specially trained never to reveal pack secrets, even under the most extreme duress, yet this little she-wolf just looked at her with those doe eyes and Ava was ready to spill her guts.

"What about you...tell me about your first time, when did you lose your virginity? " Ava hastily asked to quickly change the subject.

Lily blushed, it was so embarrassing to have to admit her virgin status to Ava of all people. I mean who is still a virgin at 22? She is going to think I'm such a loser, thought Lily.

"Well...I kind of just take care of it myself when I get those urges," said Lily.

"How exactly do you take care of it yourself?"

" when I shower...I kinda use the hand-held shower head, you know...down there."

Ava cocked her head to one side and put her hands on her hips, giving Lily a quizzical look. Really, masturbating with a shower head? Ava was doing that when she was teen wolf and still a virgin. Surely Lily can't still be a.....Ava quickly raised her eyebrows, " you mean to tell me you're still...a virgin?"

Lily looked down at her bed spread and started removing imaginary lint from the covers. She was turning a cute shade of pink.

"You are a virgin, aren't you?! Oh my goddess Lily, that means your heat is probably coming on! Your first heat usually happens when you're 17 or 18, but I have heard of delayed heats before. The first heat is the most intense, but if you're still a virgin, they call that a virgin heat. A virgin heat is meant to be of far greater intensity. I lost my virginity 6 months before my first heat, so I don't know for sure what a virgin heat feels like, it's just what I've been told," explained Ava.

Lily's head shot up with an alarmed expression, she had never heard of a virgin heat, and the thought of it scared the hell out of her. Lily was a shy introverted artist, she didn't have many friends to talk about sex with, and she would be too mortified to speak about it anyway.

"The blood moon is rising in 2 weeks, the night of the ball, that's when your heat will most likely hit," said Ava.

The blood moon was a fertility moon, and the reason why it is was so special to werewolf society, and highly celebrated with the annual Blood Moon Ball. The Blood Moon had the effect of bringing on a she-wolf's heat, and heightened all wolves' libidos, which helps with fertilization. If you mated around the time of the Blood Moon, your chances of conception were greatly increased. The Blood Moon had become increasingly more important in the last decade, after the Luna abductions first started.

It is not completely understood why, but when the Alpha takes a Luna the entire pack's fertility is boosted. When a pack is without a Luna, it triggers infertility. When the pack is Luna-less for more than a decade, a whole generation of wolves may be lost, and it disrupts the natural order of things, in particular fated mates. It is believed the moon goddess pre-determines mates over many generations to avoid inbreeding and maintain the genetic strength of the werewolf species. Thus, who your ancestors mated with centuries ago, will determine who your fated mate is today. If a whole generation of mates is lost, the natural order of werewolf life is irreversibly damaged and can lead to extinction.

"Don't worry Lily, we'll figure something out. I'll find a way to help you get through your first heat. But for right now, we still need go for a run. If you don't let your wolf out, those urges will only get worse, trust me. And don't worry, the shower head will always be waiting for you when we get back," Ava said with a wink.

Lily threw her pillow at the cheeky Delta and got out of bed. Although this conversation had been super embarrassing, it was such a relief to finally talk to somebody about it, Lily was so grateful to now have a friend like Ava. Ava also felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she realised how long it had been since she had any girlfriends to confide in. She used to have Christie, but around Ava's 18th birthday, Christie had suddenly grown distant. In fact, Lily reminded Ava of how Christie used to be when she was younger, so sweet and innocent. Now, Ava was always so preoccupied with her Delta duties, she never had time to make any new girlfriends. Being an elite soldier, meant she inevitably spent most of her time in the company of men. Both Lily and Ava realised at that moment, that in such short space of time, they had become best friends.

Ava has told Lily about her affair with Caden, but she didn't tell her everything. She didn't say his name. And now the girls are best friends, how will this work out? Please vote and comment :)

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