Chapter 48 - Luna Rose

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Atlas cradles the newborn baby boy in his arms, who is sleeping peacefully swaddled in a muslin wrap. He glances at Rose, who is also sleeping soundly. She is exhausted after giving birth, she had a tough time delivering the pup due to how large he is, weighing 9 lbs.,15 oz. It took all her strength to push him out of her small frame. They only just had time to cut the umbilical cord, before the infant immediately latched on to her breast, and drank for over two hours. Dr Peters said he had never witnessed a newborn so strong to be able to suckle for so long after just being born. It was clear this pup was Alpha born.


Atlas had been at Redwood pack, when Uncle Bob had radioed through to tell him Rose had gone into labour. Atlas had gone to Redwood to get Alpha Knox to sign the Pine Lake pack paperwork. Alpha Knox was surprised they wanted to form their own pack.

"Why don't you and Rose just join Redwood, and become Alpha and Luna of this pack? You know I will step down when the time is right. I've always wanted you as my successor" asked Alpha Knox.  Atlas and the Alpha were meeting in Knox's office. The older Alpha was behind his large oak desk, he had just read over the Pine Lake pack paperwork.

"Rose will never leave Uncle Bob, and Uncle Bob won't leave his land; it's where his beloved Blanche is buried. Besides that, we both want a fresh start. It's hard to explain, but there is something special about Pine Lake, like a feeling of being re-born. Jin says he can feel it too, that's why he wants to remain there. Uncle Bob says it's Blanche's presence, that she's been sending all her blessings down on us" explained Atlas.

"So, you're ready to claim Rose as your mate? You know she has a true mate out there somewhere. What do you know of him? What if he comes looking for her and the pup?"

"She refuses to speak of him. All I know is she was rejected, and it caused her a lot of pain. I know the risks of being with Rose, but she's worth the risk. She told me she was going to accept his rejection today, and that's why she wants to be alone. What more can I ask of her? Whoever, her mate is, he's a damn fool for rejecting her, she's the most beautiful person I've ever met, both inside and out, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make her happy".

"Well then nephew, there is not much more I can say, except that you are one lucky wolf indeed. You've been blessed by the goddess herself to be given a second chance at love. And you are right, anyone can see how special Rose is. Rose reminds me of my beloved Eloise, she is delicate and yet strong; she has an aura about her. I feel she was Luna born and I have no doubt she will make a wonderful mate and leader of your pack. I guess I need to sign this paperwork then", with that Alpha Knox grabbed his pen and signed as referee "congratulations, you officially have a pack and you're officially an Alpha now. I wish I could tell you it will all be smooth sailing from here on in, but being an Alpha is not easy nephew. You will always have to put the needs of your pack first, even above your love for Rose".

"Thank you, Uncle Logan," said Atlas, as he stood to come over and embrace his uncle. He rarely refers to his uncle as Logan, it's known that only Eloise and Atlas were ever permitted to use Knox's first name. It's a sensitive topic, but the Alpha no longer likes hearing his name being used, it reminds of his dead mate. Knox embraced his nephew, a small tear escaping his eye, he is touched by his nephew's gesture.

Just then there was a knock at the door and Scott entered the office "Atlas, old Bob just radioed through. Rose has gone into labour. You must return immediately," said Scott. After that, all chaos broke out, as the two Alphas rushed out of the office, both yelling orders to prepare the ATV vehicles. Alpha Knox insisting on returning with Altas, bringing Dr Peters and the old midwife Margaret with them. Atlas knows that Alpha Knox was taking the birth of the baby personally, that for Knox there was some form of redemption in seeing a healthy baby being born with his help.

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