Chapter 44 - Pine Lake Pack

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Lily is sitting at the dining table with Jin and Uncle Bob, she has a cup of tea in her hand, and she is looking at Jin with caring eyes. Jin has just finished telling the old man his story, and with great nervousness requested to move permanently onto Bob's land. Bob is drinking his tea, and looking at Jin, with no expression.

"So you're one of those pansy gay boys then?" the old man asks.

"I'm actually bi-sexual" replies Jin patiently.

"You're bi-what now? What does that even mean?"

"I'm attracted to both males and females. I feel an attraction to a person's soul, what gender they are is not really a concern to me". Lily can see Jin is sitting on his hands, trying to keep them hidden so Bob can't see how much he is shaking.

"Oh ok then, whatever you kids are calling it these days, it doesn't really bother me" says Bob as he takes another sip of his tea "but just because you're one of them girly gay type boys, or whatever you call it, don't think you're getting any special treatment from me. You got muscles on you, I can see that, which means you can chop wood and do manual labour. If you live here, don't be thinking you get to hang out with Lily all day in the rose garden, braiding each other's hair or whatever it is the two of you get up to". Lily puts her hand up to her mouth to stifle a laugh. She is inwardly cringing at what Bob is saying, he has no tact whatsoever. She hopes Jin is not getting too offended.

"With that being said. I don't mind if you want to keep doing the cooking. I do like that bulldog dish of yours" the old man continues.

"Bulgogi" Jin corrects him.

"Yeah, that one is good. But that spicy sauerkraut you keep trying to feed me, nope don't like it".

"You mean Kim Chi?" asks Jin.

"You can leave that one off the menu from now on".

"Does that mean I can stay?" Jin's eyes are pooling with tears.

"If Rose is happy for you to stay, then that's all the confirmation I need. Yes of course you can stay. By the way...your dad and mate are real're better off without them. And don't worry about your pup either, he'll come find you one day, when the time is right" Bob says sagely. Now the tears are flowing, Jin gets up and hugs Bob, he can't help it.

"Thank you Uncle, I won't disappoint you" Jin is now kneeling and bowing before the old man.

"Oh now come on, get up, it's not such a big deal. Of course, you're welcome here. We do have one problem though".

"What is that?" Lily asks as Jin sits back down at the table, wiping away his tears of joy.

"As soon as that pup is born, there will be five of us. If you have at least five wolves living together, you have to form a pack. If you don't form a pack you're classed as rogues, and believe you me, we don't want to be classed as rogues. I never thought I'd ever have this issue. I always thought I'd die a lone wolf".

"I know what we need to do to form a pack" Jin says as he gets up and grabs a folder off the bookshelf, coming back to sit at the table, he pulls out some papers "I have all the pack registration papers here".

"You do? When did you get those?" asks Lily.

Jin has a smirk on his face "well I may have been daydreaming about us becoming a pack for a little while now, so I thought I'd be prepared. I requested a copy of the paperwork a few supply runs ago".

"Smart boy!" Uncle Bob nods his head in approval "well go on son, tell us what we need to do?"

"OMG we're going to be a pack!" Jin squeals as he begins reading the requirements "Ok, the first question asks for our pack name. We need a pack name, any suggestions?"

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