Xavier's image stares back at Atlas from the photo he holds in his trembling hands.
"Isn't it a great shot...weren't they just the cutest pups? The three of them grew up together, they were always the best of friends" says Christie, as she takes back the vintage photo from Atlas. The photo is of Caden, Ava and Jaxon, taken when they were toddlers. Atlas can't believe how much Xavier looks like Caden as a pup, it's uncanny. The gears in his mind are slowly turning, pieces of a complex puzzle are slipping into place.
They've moved their meeting from Caden's office to Christie's room on the second floor of the pack house. This floor houses the Beta, Delta and Gamma pack suites. Their rooms are not as large as the Alpha's quarters or Luna Sophie's VIP suite, but they are still very comfortable. Christie's room was formerly Ava's suite, Delta Josh was meant to take it, but he allowed Christie to have it. Christie has pretty much preserved the room, to exactly how Ava had it, like a memorial to her cousin.
Atlas has been drilling Christie for information, feigning an interest in pack histories, and claiming he was a great admirer of the late Delta. It didn't take much convincing to get Christie to talk about her cousin, she is clearly obsessed with the late Delta. She invited him to her room, so he could see her collection of memorabilia. It's almost too much for Atlas to take in. For years he has been wondering about the identity of his true mate, and now he's learning everything about her and more.
"Here is another photo, taken of her and Caden on her eighteenth birthday" says Christie, as she hands Atlas the photo. It's the same image the CBC had when they captured Christie by mistake. Atlas's heart stills as he gazes upon his mate she was so beautiful. Looking up from the image to the Gamma "you look so alike" he observes.
"I know...everyone always assumed we were sisters, not cousins. We got called 'twin cousins' all the time" laments Christie staring at the photo "that was such a great party...until it wasn't...I wish I could go back and relive that night...I think about that all the time". Christie turns away from Atlas, he sees her wiping a stray tear from her eye.
As he circles the room, looking at his mate's belongings, he can't believe his mate was the famous Delta Ava, it's all so surreal. He ponders what Christie has told him so far. According to her, Caden is notoriously tight lipped about his relationship with Ava, he claimed her in death as his mate and luna but has never publicly spoken of her again. It appears to be too painful a topic to be mentioned. Even Atlas has witnessed the deep sadness in the Alpha's eyes, he can sense his pain is real. Over time, the legend of Caden and Ava's relationship has taken on a life its own, people filling in the gaps with their own imagination, it has become a tragic shifter love story.
A red and a black bandana, folded together, are sitting on a shelf. Atlas stills, he instantly recognises the bandanas as the ones they wore in fur form, during Delta Brandon's top-secret experiment. He knows they're the same ones, as he can see the special wolf head symbol embroidered on them. His heart is almost thumping out of his chest, he reaches out hesitantly and touches the fabric of the two bandanas "where did you find these?" he almost whispers the question. Christie comes over to see what he is looking at.
"Oh the bandanas? They're actually a bit of a mystery to me. Ava had the black one wrapped around her wrist, when she..." the she-wolf swallows a lump in her throat "died in my arms".
"Really...she was wearing it?" Atlas looks up at her surprised "I know it's painful, but do you think you could tell me more about her death?"
"Well right at the end, she kept mentioning her mate. She wanted me to take the black bandana, she put into my hands, and told me to tell her mate she was sorry and that she loved him and would wait for him".
Atlas staggers back at Christie's words, he puts his hand on his chest, his heart is aching. He takes a seat on the edge of Christie's bed; he needs to catch his breath.
"She said that?" he whispers.
"Yes she did. At the time I was so overwhelmed with grief, I just shoved the bandana into the pocket of my jeans and forgot about it. My mother found the bandana a few days later, when she went to wash my jeans. I took it straight to Caden, as I assumed it belonged to him. He said he had never seen it before, and that I should keep it. The next day, I was going through Ava's things in this room and came across the matching red bandana..." Christie pauses and looks at Atlas, she seems hesitant to continue "there was something about the black bandana that I never told Caden. It smelt like a male wolf, but it was not a wolf I recognised, he was not from our pack".
Christie picks up the two bandanas off the shelf and walks over to the bed where Atlas is sitting.
"Here...why don't you have them?" she says as she hands them to Atlas
"Really? Don't you want them?" he asks as carefully takes them from her
"They don't really have any sentimental value to me, and my mother's been at me to start getting rid of Ava's stuff. I'm just not ready to part with it yet. Most people who ask me about Ava, just seem to have this morbid curiosity, like they're trying to get some salacious gossip out of me...but you seem different. I sense you genuinely care, like you really want to know what she was like. I think she would have liked you to have these".
"Thank you, Christie," says Atlas as he stands, carefully folding the bandanas and putting them in his inside jacket pocket "I will treasure them". Atlas begins walking to the suite door, with Christie following him.
"Atlas..." Christie calls out just as Atlas puts his hand on the doorknob.
"Yes?" he says, stopping and turning to face her.
"Thank you for tonight. It felt really good to talk about her. I know we never got around to talking about the games, but I feel better about tomorrow now, like I'm more at peace". Atlas puts his arms around the Gamma and gives her hug, they stand there embracing each other with their heads bowed. A silent tear running down each of their cheeks. Atlas quickly wipes the lone tear away and walks out the door.
As he exits the pack house and walks towards his guest cabin, he looks up at the moon, in a few more days it will be a full moon. It dawns on him it will also be the anniversary of Ava's death; she would have died three years ago to that day. Atlas still has so many unanswered questions. The biggest question playing on his mind is why did Caden impregnate Rose and then reject her? There are so many pieces of this puzzle he still needs to find. One way or the other he will figure this out...he needs answers. There is only one person who knows the truth...it's time for him to confront Alpha Knight!
Atlas is beginning to figure things out, but there is still a lot he doesn't know. Do you think he will be able to get the truth from Caden? Predictions? What would you like to see happen? Please remember to vote for each chapter – I appreciate all the support! 🐺❤

The Blue Blood Alpha
WerewolfA rejected mates, second chance, secret baby romance novel with a twist. "I, Caden Knight, Alpha of the Mystic Falls Pack, reject you Lily Rose of Silver Moon Pack! From this day forth I release you from our mate bond". Lily clutches her chest and...