Chapter 31 - Uncle Bob

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Dropping her large backpack on the ground, Lily groans in relief, and rolls her shoulders. Josh also removes his large pack and drops the duffle back he has been carrying. Josh Taylor was the young border patrol guard that Ava had caught sleeping on duty, on her first day at Silver Moon. Luna Sophie had enlisted his help to carry out Lily's escape. The Luna had made Josh take a solemn vow of secrecy. Although Josh was young, all credit to him, he had taken the vow seriously, and had gone about his duty with the utmost diligence. Lily looked at the two backpacks and the duffle bag on the ground, her entire life's contents were in those 3 bags. She had to abandon much of her belongings, which was hard for her. Being an artist, she had insisted on packing many of her precious art supplies, she couldn't bear to leave them. Over the years she slowly managed to collect some of the most expensive paints in the world, including some of the rarest pigments, that cannot be easily replaced. Her collection of paint brushes was also of the finest quality, some made from sable fur. Her Aunt Sophie had indulged her niece and given her whatever art supplies she requested.

Luna Sophie had admonished Lily, when she saw how much she had packed.

"Lily you cannot take all of this. You will be hiking for a full day. Leave that duffle bag behind. There is only Josh and yourself to carry all of this. One backpack each is all you can take".

"I'll carry the duffle bag for her Luna. I don't mind taking my pack and the bag. I can handle both" Josh had said, puffing out his chest. Josh was tall, toned and strong, but at only 19 he had yet to fill out. He was still an adolescent male and had a lean look about him, he was still a few years off from reaching his full maturity. Lily could see he would be a formidable warrior one day. They had snuck away from Silver Moon at 4am this morning, before the rest of the pack were up. They drove the main roads for two hours, then they had to veer off to the back gravel roads for another two hours. Once the gravel roads ended, they journeyed off-road onto dirt trails, until they could go no further by vehicle, and had to finally ditch the little jeep they had been using. The rest of the journey had to be made by foot. They had been hiking for 3 hours now, and they were taking a rest break to eat their lunch. Under the shade of a large oak tree, Lily pulls out the packed lunch her aunt had given them before leaving.

"Thank you for helping me Josh. I would never have been able to make this journey on my own" Lily says as she hands him a sandwich.

"I would always help you Lily" he says as he takes the sandwich from her, their fingers lightly brushing. Josh starts turning a bright shade of red. Lily knows Josh has always had a little crush on her, but with her being three years older, she would never take it seriously. He always seemed like such a little kid to her, albeit a very sweet one.

"Why do you have to leave Silver moon? How long will you be gone? Will we see each other again?" Josh looks at her with his bright blue eyes.

"Josh it's best if you don't know all the details. If you don't know the truth, then you can't lie if anybody asks questions. Just know that it is very important that nobody can ever find me. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone for, but I anticipate it will be for a long time. I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but I would like to think we will one day" Josh just nods at her response and looks sad. Lily is sad too; she realises she may never see any of her friends from Silver Moon again.

After another three hours of hiking, they finally make it over the ridge and descend into the valley. Coming into view is a rustic log cabin in the distance, near a small lake. As they get closer to the cabin, Lily can see it is larger than she originally thought, and it has some modern features, such as large solar panels on the roof.

"You finally made it. I was beginning to think I'd need to shift and go in search of you" says an older man, walking towards them. Lily had been told he was 90 years old, but since werewolves lived longer than humans, it meant his human age was around 70. Uncle Bob was his name, technically he was her great uncle, according to Luna Sophie. Bob was Lily's grandfather's reclusive older brother, whom she didn't even know existed until yesterday.

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