Chapter 55 - Could it be?

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More than two months had passed since Rose's heat. After reaching out to her Aunt Sophie, her beloved Aunt had swung into action. Her clever Aunt had organised training games to be held at Mystic Falls between the four packs, which resulted in Alpha Knight cancelling his planned trip to Pine Lake. The idea of the training games was that each pack would bring an elite team of special operatives to participate in the games and be trained by Atlas. Atlas had spent years under the guidance of Delta Brandon, honing his skills in this type of tactical warfare.

Pine Lake was such a small pack, they didn't have enough members to create their own special forces team. Thus, it was decided that Pine Lake and Redwood pack would team up. Atlas had left to go to Redwood a little over two weeks before they were due to head to Mystic Falls. He needed time at Redwood to gather and train a team of operatives before participating in the military style games. Both Altas and Knox didn't want to show up to Mystic Falls with a less than stellar team. Atlas had been reluctant to leave Rose and Xavier for such a length of time, but Rose had encouraged him to go. It was perfect, it meant her scent would have faded by the time he reached Mystic Falls.

She had even feigned illness, just a slight cold, nothing too serious. But she told him they needed to sleep in separate bedrooms and refrain from any sexual contact leading up to his departure, it would be too risky for him to fall ill prior to the games. She even went to the lengths of having all his clothes specially laundered in scent cancelling detergents. Additionally, she purchased a whole range of scent cancelling shampoos, soaps, deodorants and aftershaves for him. She insisted he use them and take them with him, claiming it was so he could increase his advantage when participating in stealth operations. Atlas had beamed at her and her presents, and thanked her for being such a thoughtful, caring mate. She had a pang of guilt at his adoration of her, knowing she wasn't being honest for wanting him to mask her scent. The plan was Atlas and Knox would ride together in Knox's latest model SUV, so she didn't need to worry about her scent in Atlas's vehicle. She made the male pack members valet the vehicle from top to bottom anyway, just in case. She wasn't taking any chances.

Standing at the edge of the of the lake she waves to her son. Xavier waves back, holding up his fishing line to show her his catch. He was out in the boat with Uncle Bob, or "grandpa" as he was now called by Xavier, and his Uncle Jin. They were fishing, a past time Uncle Bob dearly loved, and was now patiently teaching Xavier all the skills to become a great fisherman like himself. Uncle Bob loved that boy, and the feeling was mutual. It always melted Rose's heart to see them walking around the pack hand in hand, tending to Aunty Blanche's Rose Garden or heading to the hen house to collect eggs together. Xavier was such a clever and inquisitive boy, always running up to Bob with an insect or plant of some sort, asking "grandpa, grandpa...look what I found...what is it?" Uncle Bob would inspect whatever Xavier presented him, and would take the time to explain to the boy what he had found, and whether it had any special properties. The old man had a wealth of knowledge of flora and fauna and was passing it all down to her son.

As Rose headed towards the woods, she wrung her hands. She was trying to remain calm, but she knew she'd be on edge until Altas returned. Her Aunt Sophie had phoned her this morning to say that everything had gone according to plan the first night. Much to the relief of both of them, Caden didn't suspect a thing. However, Rose had thought her Aunt Sophie had sounded a little off, like she was unsettled for some reason. She supposed this was quite a strain for her Aunt too, to keep her secret like this. Her Aunt was so good to her, she loved her so much. Rose hoped one day she would be able to repay her aunt for all she had done for her.

Rose reached the edge of the woods and began to undress. She'd been so stressed and busy since her heat, she had not had the time to shift even once over last few months. Remembering Ava's teachings, of the importance of releasing your wolf often, Rose decided to take the time today and allow her wolf out, and hopefully calm and clear her mind. She crouched down low, and concentrated on calling her inner beast forth...she waited...but nothing happened. Again, she tried, and again her wolf remained silent. She stood up looking stunned, slowly it dawned on her that she had not felt the pull of her wolf since her heat. Being so preoccupied with avoiding Caden's visit, she had not noticed. Realising her wolf had retreated to recesses of her mind, it felt as though her wolf was in hibernation. She remembered this feeling...this is how she felt when she was pregnant with Xavier. Could it be? Could her heat have worked this time? Is it possible she is pregnant with Atlas's pup?

Just when you think you have the story all worked out - I go and give you another plot twist!  Lol - you know I love a good plot twist!  What do you think - is Rose pregnant?  And are you happy about it?  Predictions?  Please remember to vote for each chapter – I appreciate all the support! 🐺

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