Chapter 16 - Never Felt Freer

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Lily gave a joyful yip as she raced passed Caden's massive black wolf. Caden gave her an answering bark as he bounded after her, his tongue hanging out. His wolf was as besotted with the little golden wolf, as he was with Lily in her skin form. Lily's wolf had a beautiful golden-brown coat, with a fluffy white tail. The tail had the distinguishing feature of golden tips, giving the appearance that it had been dipped in paint. As he gained on her, he playfully nipped at her swishing golden tipped tail.

Earlier that morning Lily had woken to the feeling of Caden's muscular frame pressed up along her back, his smooth hard length rubbing against her backside. He had his head buried in her hair and his hands were fondling her breasts. Although she was sore all over, it appeared her heat fever had finally broken. It was not surprising, considering Caden had taken her six more times during the night, giving her countless earth-shattering orgasm after orgasm. The Alpha had been unrelenting in his ministrations, there was not an inch of her body that had not been kissed, caressed, sucked or bitten. Her wolf was curled up resting in her mind, well and truly satisfied.

"Good morning little mate, did you sleep well?" He asked huskily as he nipped at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, dreaming of when he would place his mark there. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"You know very well I hardly slept; you wouldn't let me" she said with a pout.

"It's my job to service my mate, especially during your heat, and by the looks of it I broke your fever" he said proudly. The smirking Alpha knew that only the most potent males could break a heat fever within 24 hours. It usually took at least 72 hours to a week to break the fever, her fast recovery was a testament to his prowess. "And as much as I'd love to service you again, my impatient wolf is demanding he meet your wolf. If I don't let him out soon all hell is going to break loose, so shall we go for a morning run? Afterwards, I'll tend to you in the shower." By tend to her, he meant he would have her up against the tiled shower wall, impaled on his dick screaming his name.

So here they were running through the woods playing in their wolf form, having the time of their lives. Caden had never felt freer. He had waited so long for his mate, that he had almost begun to lose hope, never daring to dream he would be blessed with someone so sweet and beautiful as Lily. This little she-wolf was well and truly worth the wait.

Lily gripped a stick by her jaws, and the pair of wolves began playing tug of war with it, when suddenly the scent of squirrel hit their snouts. Lily was hungry and she dropped the stick and went crashing into the bushes after it, completely giving away the element of surprise, and the squirrel scampered up its tree in time to get away. Lily huffed; she was not much of a hunter. Caden came to her and nuzzled her neck and motioned for her to follow him. They came to the edge of a clearing, and Caden pushed Lily down with his paw into the tall grass, indicating for her to stay hidden. She lay on her belly, while Caden's head dropped down low as he tiptoed quietly among the tall crass circling the clearing. His keen wolf sense of smell had picked up the scent of a rabbit. His ears fell back against his head as he spotted the prey, suddenly in a blur of black fur he dashed out from the long grass and ran across the clearing. A minute later, Caden trotted back to her with the rabbit clutched in his powerful jaws. He laid the rabbit at Lily's paws, gifting his mate the prize and puffed out his chest. He was proud that he could provide for his mate, as a worthy male should. They ate the rabbit together, and then licked each other's muzzles clean.


Lily wiped her paint brushes on a rag as she stood back to admire her work. She was painting on a huge three-metre-wide canvas in the pack art studio. The mural was to be hung as a centre piece display for the blood moon ball. After they had returned to the cabin from their run, Caden made good on his promise to look after her in the shower, he'd forced her to come three times before he would give her a reprieve. Lily blushed at the memory, she could still feel a dull ache in her core, but it was a good ache. Although he didn't want to leave his mate's side, Caden had to meet with Alpha Roberts. It would be an insult for him to put off a meeting with the older Alpha any longer than he had already. It worked out well, as it gave Lily much needed time to complete her painting. Caden had expressed to Lily that their mating had to be remain a secret for now. He didn't divulge further details, but it was made clear she wasn't to breathe a word that she was his mate.

With a final brush stroke, Lily signed her name to bottom right corner of the canvas. The mural was an impression of a pack run during a blood moon. Lily had painted all different coloured wolves with bold brush strokes, expertly capturing the excitement of the run, with the beauty of the blood moon depicted in the background. What she loved the most was the three wolves most prominently featured at the front of the pack. She had already captured Ava's beautiful white wolf with her signature black dipped paws, and her own smaller golden wolf, but today she added a magnificent pure black alpha wolf leading the run. It was a little indulgent adding herself and the two people she loved the most into her artwork, but this was her creation and she wanted to make it special.

Staring at the mural made her excited for tomorrow night's ball and subsequent pack run. She couldn't wait to run wild with her mate by her side, under a rare blood moon, receiving the goddesses blessing. Maybe Caden would mark her that night, she was a little surprised he hadn't done it yet. Her wolf had been begging to be marked during her heat, and she felt Caden's canines descend and scrape against her neck several times. She knew his wolf had surfaced and was ready to claim her. When she had shyly questioned Caden on the matter, he reassured her that he was definitely ready to claim her, but for reasons unexplained they had to wait. When the time was right, he had stated he wanted to mark her the traditional way under a full moon in front of his pack. What better time to do it than during the blood moon, where both their packs could bear witness? Maybe he was going to surprise her tomorrow night thought Lily, as she began to pack up her paints.

She couldn't believe how lucky she was, in the last couple of weeks, she had made a wonderful new best friend and fallen in love with the mate of her dreams. Suddenly she thought of her parents, and how happy they would be for her if they were still alive. She couldn't help but wonder if they were sending her their blessings.

Her parents had sadly died when she was only 10. Her father was an alpha for a small pack, across the other side of the country, and her mother was Luna Sophie's older sister. Her mother had been captured by the CBC, and her father had attempted to rescue her. Something had gone horribly wrong during the rescue mission, and both her father and mother had died. After their deaths, she had spent several years being passed around to different relatives, finally coming to stay with Luna Sophie.

Luna Sophie had been so nice and welcoming, treating her as her own daughter. Sophie often lamented that Lily was a gift sent to her, because her own pup had been taken away. After the pain of losing her parents, and then being shunted about from pack to pack, she had never really known much inner peace. Her Aunt Sophie was the first person, since her parents, that made her feel truly loved. Now she had Ava and Caden to love her too, and she finally felt like she had a real family again. Maybe her parents were sending her their blessings, and all her dreams were finally coming true. 

Here we get some of Lily's back story. What's your thoughts? Please vote and comments :)

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