Chapter 38 - Bulgogi

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Pacing the cabin floor, Alpha Knox steals another glance at the pregnant she-wolf. He knows she is trying to avoid eye contact with him. There is something about this little she-wolf, she is small and delicate, but giving off an aura of power. A contradiction, it reminds him of someone. She is stubbornly refusing to lie down, insisting on overseeing old Bob's care. Refusing treatment from the pack doctor and the nurse they brought, until they tended to Bob first. Keeping vigil at the old man's bedside, only now emerging from Bob's room to have a break and a cup of tea.

The kettle whistles on the stove and Jin, the male nurse they brought, jumps up to refresh their tea. Bringing Jin with them had been a good idea. When Atlas had radioed them last night, informing them of what had occurred, Alpha Knox was stunned. Old Bob was harbouring a pregnant she-wolf, and they had been attacked? Due to the on-going werewolf fertility issues, pregnancies were so rare, a fertile female was always treated with reverence. To find an abandoned one, five months into her pregnancy no less, was unheard of. Bad weather conditions had stopped them from making the trip last night, so they left at the crack of dawn this morning. Alpha Knox insisting on leading the team himself. He had brought Dr Peters, the older pack doctor, Jin the young male nurse, and Scott. Scott was standing guard outside the cabin now. Knox was taking no risks, a distressed pregnant she-wolf, was hitting too close to home. He couldn't help his thoughts from drifting to Eloise, she was also five months pregnant when they lost their pup and she died. The similarities were unnerving.

"Bob is recovering well, thanks to your blood donation", says Dr Peters as he emerges from Bob's bedroom "he most likely would have died, if not for your blue blood pumping through his veins right now". Alpha Knox had given a blood transfusion to help old Bob. It was something he rarely did, as he had mixed emotions about using his blood for any type of gain. In his experience, his blue blood had caused more problems than good, so he chose to never use it. But the little she-wolf was so distressed at the thought of Bob dying, that he wanted to calm her. He had donated the blood more for her than the old man's recovery.

"Alpha Knox, we will be forever in your debt. I can't thank you enough for saving Uncle Bob's life" says the doe-eyed brunette, looking up from her tea, with her delicate hands wrapped around her mug.

"Rose, is that your name? Old Bob, you refer to him as uncle, is he your uncle? Have you known him your whole life?" Inquires Knox, fixing the she-wolf with an intense stare.

"Yes Rose is my name. Bob is not my uncle, but I refer to him as "Uncle" as a term of endearment and sign of respect. I never knew him until he took me in two months ago".

"And what of your parents, where are they?" he probes further.

"I'm an orphan, I have no parents. Please Alpha Knox, I am very tired, I do not wish to speak about my past right now".

Alpha Knox can sense the she-wolf is telling the truth, yet he feels she is holding back. If it wasn't such a delicate situation, he would use his full Alpha dominance on her and extract the truth, but he doesn't want to stress her any further. Keeping the unborn pup happy and healthy is what matters right now. Knox decides he will exude some Alpha dominance to give her one outright order, which is for her own good.

"Rose you will come back to Redwood pack with us, so we can oversee your pregnancy and care until the birth of your baby. Jin can remain here to care for Bob", this is said clearly as an Alpha command, not a request.

"No, I will not leave Uncle Bob. I will stay here and oversee his care myself. However, I would be grateful to have Jin remain here too. Uncle Bob will need both of us", says the female, brown eyes unblinkingly looking directly at the Alpha. The room falls silent, all those present are stunned. Nobody can refuse an Alpha order, well there a few exceptions. Other Alpha's of the same level of dominance, and their Luna's are known to be able to refuse Alpha commands. Could Rose be a Luna? If so, she would have to be mated to a very powerful Alpha to be able to withstand Alpha Knox's command. Who is this she-wolf?

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