Chapter 60 - Picnic

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**Warning: This chapter contains mature adult themes, rated 18+. It contains offensive language and sexual references. If this type of content offends you, please don't read this chapter. If you like a bit of smut, then by all means please enjoy! 😊**

"This looks like a nice spot," Rose says a little too brightly. Atlas just nods, as Rose unfolds the picnic blanket she brought. Atlas has carried everything else for their picnic up the hill to where a beautiful oak tree stands. They sit under the tree together, eating their picnic in silence, there is tension in the air. Atlas doesn't know where to begin, and he can sense Rose is holding back too.

Last night Atlas arrived home, to a hero's welcome. Redwood and Pine Lake pack had gotten together to throw a joint party, celebrating their teams' victory. It was a great honour their joint team won the inaugural inter-pack tactical games. The festivities went late into the night, and he was so busy celebrating with his teammates, he didn't get a chance to speak with Rose.

This morning, he asked Jin if he could mind Xavier, as he needed some alone time with Rose. Jin just smirked at him, obviously thinking Atlas wanted some sexy time with his mate. Much to the delight of Xavier, Jin took the eager boy and Bob out fishing.

Even after finishing their meal, Atlas lingers in silence for a few minutes, resting his back against the tree trunk. The peace of the place steels over them—the only sounds those of birds chattering overhead and an occasional insect making a pass at a patch of wildflowers. Rose, too, seems reluctant to move. She's fiddling with her pencils and sketch pad, not really drawing anything, just doodling.

Atlas considers what he is about to tell her. Does he start off by telling her Ava is his true mate? That he found out everything about the late Delta and more? Or does he get straight to the point and tell her he knows about Caden being her mate and Xavier's father? Of course, he then needs to tell her the truth behind Caden's rejection, the real reason he did it, was to keep Rose safe from the CBC. That Caden is still very much in love with Rose and is planning to go to war for her. The final potential nail in the coffin in their relationship, will be confessing Caden's end goal, to go into the wild for good, knowing that Knox will hunt him down and end his life. How can Atlas compete with that? How will Rose possibly choose him over a wolf about to give up his life for her?

"Rose my darling...I have something important to tell you" he begins nervously. Rose stops her doodling and turns her doe eyes towards him.

"I have something to tell you too..." she pauses speaking, looking nervous "but you go fist" she says. You could cut the tension with a knife.

His palms are sweating, and his wolf is restless, his inner beast doesn't like what Atlas is about to do. His wolf yearns for his she-wolf and wants to go for a run in the woods and hunt some prey together, like they did when they first mated in fur form. Maybe the wolves should go for a run, it might clear his head and help break this tension.

"Should we shift and go for a run first, then we can talk? My wolf is restless, he's missed you a lot. It was hard on him being away from you and Xavier for so long" he says, as he begins to undress.

"Oh...well...I've missed him too. It's just...well the thing is...I can't shift anymore" says Rose, she's suddenly shy, peering at him through her long lashes.

Atlas pauses undressing "what do you mean you can't shift? Are you sick? Is something wrong?" he's suddenly concerned.

"Well...I won't be able to shift for another seven months. Not until after our pup is born" she says, laying a hand on her belly in a protective manner. She has a small smile on her face.

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