Chapter 56 - What I would do for you!

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"Oh my goddess Josh, look how you've grown! You're huge!" exclaims Sophie "I can't tell you how proud I was, when I heard you won the Delta trials at Mystic Falls...and I hear you won something else too?" she asks while glancing at the very pretty she-wolf standing shyly behind him.

The blonde, blue-eyed Delta has shed the lean, lanky body, he once had when he helped Lily run away. His once, almost innocent juvenile looks have morphed into a mature and strong looking male. Finding his mate, has bulked him up further with extra testosterone, his uniform is strained tight over his now solid frame. Josh is hardly recognizable to how Sophie remembers him

"Luna Sophie" Josh says giving a small bow "I'm sorry I was absent at the dinner last night, but I was scheduled on duty to oversee the border patrols. We are taking no chances with security while you're here. May I introduce you to my mate...Lina" he pulls the shy she-wolf who was standing behind him, to stand in front of him. Resting his hands on Lina's shoulder, he is beaming with pride at being able to introduce his mate to his former Luna.

"Luna Sophie, this is such an honour, we're all so excited for your visit" says Lina bowing.

Sophie can't help herself; she forgets formalities and pulls Lina into a hug. Pulling back, she looks intently at Lina's face, she is clearly of Asian descent, but she has a smattering of freckles across her pretty face and lovely green eyes.

"Lina I am so pleased to meet you! I was so happy to hear Josh had found his mate, I couldn't have wished this upon a better male. Josh is one of the most loyal people I know, and I'm sure he will make you very happy" the Luna glances up at Josh "and wow Josh, look at what a beautiful she-wolf you have been blessed with! Lina, may I ask what your cultural heritage is, you have some unusual features?"

"My mother is Chinese, and my father is Irish. Hence, I look Asian, but have freckles and green eyes" the she-wolf says, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Well, I think it is a stunning combination! I can't wait to get to know you more today. I believe you have taken over Gamma Christie's duties as my tour guide of Mystic Falls?"

"Oh yes, it is such an honour to show you my pack, I'm very excited!" says Lina, as she looks up at Josh with a smile. He towers over his petite mate, and smiles back at her with pride, giving her shoulders a squeeze of encouragement.

"Well ladies I must leave you now, I need to attend the tactical games. Normally I would have two of my best men shadowing you as security, but I've been told that will be unnecessary" says the Delta glancing over Sophie's head, at the large Alpha looming in the background. Sophie can feel Alpha's Knox's eyes boring into her, as he hasn't stopped glaring at her all morning. It's like last night's dinner all over again.

Sophie looks over her shoulder, to see the massive Alpha shadowing her, as they walk to their first destination. It feels like she's being stalked, rather than guarded, like she has become Alpha Knox's prey. Once again, he has barely spoken to her this morning, apart from a few grunted commands. She doesn't know how he feels about what transpired last night. Maybe he regrets holding her the way he did? Sophie blushes at the memory, she can still feel his strong arms wrapped around her, as he lulled her into a deep sleep.


This morning, Luna Sophie woke to find herself in her bed, with the blankets pulled up to her chin, like she had been tucked in. Her shoes had been removed, but the rest of her clothing was intact. The other side of her bed was undisturbed. Knox must have put her to bed so gently as not to wake her, and then left.

When she came down for breakfast, Caden had debriefed her. Apparently, they had called an early morning security meeting, and they had reshuffled some duties around. It was decided that Gamma Christie would lead the Mystic Falls team in the tactical games and would now be far too busy to be Sophie's personal guard, and thus she had been relieved of those duties. In the absence of Beta Mark, Delta Josh would assume temporarily lead of the Silver Moon team. This made sense as Josh knew all the Silver Moon elite soldiers, as he was previously one of them. Alpha Atlas would lead the combined Pine Lake/Redwood team. Alpha Knight and Beta Jaxon would preside over the entire competition, eventually choosing the winning team.

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