Chapter 32 - Shift!

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Leather clad hands grip the sliver chains tightly, as they circle closer to the large black wolf, who is currently occupied feasting on his fresh kill. The Alpha wolf has grown huge living in the wild. Jaxon and Alpha Knox watched in awe as the goliath of a wolf brought down a large stag deer as though it was nothing but a mere fawn, demonstrating his impressive skills and strength. Living in the wild has clearly suited Caden's wolf, but it cannot continue, it is time to bring him home. Alpha Knox gives Jaxon the signal, before he sheds his clothing and crouches low, beginning to shift into his own massive wolf. Bones and muscles lengthen, and chocolate brown fur covers Knox's body. The chocolate brown wolf is not quite as large as Caden, however he is still a formidable size. Knox's wolf heads off in the opposite direction, the plan is to distract Caden long enough so Jaxon can collar him in the sliver choker chain, and they can force a shift. Jaxon remains crouching low, waiting for his moment to approach.

Four months has gone by since the night of the blood moon pack run, when his Alpha went into the wild. Jaxon has managed to keep the pack together to date, but the social structure was beginning to fray. Losing both their beloved Delta and then having their Alpha go MIA, has taken a toll on Mystic Falls. There had been a couple of challenges for leadership already. Jaxon has successfully defeated the challengers to date, but he doesn't want to assume the Alpha role permanently, he likes being a Beta. Behind every great leader, is a great adviser, and Jaxon prides himself on his role as second in command. In desperation Jaxon reached out to Alpha Knox for assistance. The Redwood Alpha was alarmed to hear that his cousin had turned feral, and immediately came to aid the Beta in bringing Caden back. If Caden stays in wolf form much longer, he risks completely losing himself to his beast forever, never to return to skin form. It would be too risky to allow a feral blue blood wolf to roam the wild, he would be a danger to himself and to others. If they cannot bring him home today, it was already decided they would have to put him down permanently. Jaxon flexes his fingers inside the thick leather gloves, nervously watching Knox's wolf stalk Caden, the thought of having to kill his Alpha is making him feel anxious.

The black wolf pauses his feasting, and lifts his snout, scenting the air. He can sense the brown wolf approaching. He immediately rises, ears pinned back, lips curled and snarls. He is ready to defend his kill from the intruder. Knox circles the stag carcass widely, looking for an opening to take a bite. He is purposely goading the black wolf, distraction is their only hope, to get this massive wolf collared. Knox darts in, taking a bite of the deer flesh, and chomping it down. This enrages the black wolf, and in flash of black fur he charges at the brown wolf. Their bodies collide with a loud thump. Snarling, fur, and spit are flying, as they attack each other. Jaxon is momentarily stunned in awe at the sight of two huge blue blood alpha males locked in combat. Knox manages to get hold of Caden's neck, holding him down. But Caden thrashes his powerful head around and shakes Knox off, and chomps down on the brown wolfs leg. A howl of pain rings out, and Knox twists to clamp down hard on the black wolfs tail, they tumble together, rolling and biting until they smash into a nearby tree. Caden is on top, and he has Knox's neck clamped tightly in his massive jaws, he is going for the kill. This is Jaxon's moment, it's now or never, as he rushes up from behind the black wolf, and swiftly slips the sliver choker around the wolf's head quickly fastening and pulling it tightly. Before the black wolf has time to realise what is happening, Jaxon rushes around the tree and secures the thick chain to the trunk. Caden is now collared and chained to the tree.

Caden releases Knox immediately, snarling, thrashing, and pulling against the thick chain anchoring him to the tree. The more he pulls at the chain the more the slipknot chain tightens and the more he chokes. The only way to stop the choking is to let the chain go slack. Eventually Caden stops yanking against the chain, so he can breathe. Growling and pacing around the tree, the black wolf is furious at being captured this way. Gold swirling eyes glare at Jaxon, he wants to kill. The black wolf is injured from the fight, and now he is collared in silver, he cannot heal as he normally would. He is panting heavily, his great tongue hanging out, the pain is taking its toll on the massive wolf. Eventually he lies down, still growling, but unable to pace any longer.

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