Persistent knocking against her door, was irritating Lily. She groans, why did anybody want to disturb her? Couldn't she be left to wallow in her own misery in peace? Twelve weeks had passed since the night of the blood moon, and Lily hid further and further away from pack life. Even her wolf had retreated to the recesses of her mind, refusing to shift to fur form. The last time she shifted was 3 months ago, when she had gone running with Caden. Rarely did she venture out of her room. She would wait until the end of dinner service, when most of the pack had finished eating, and skulk into the pack cafeteria. Armed with a Tupperware container, she would snatch up whatever food was left, and scurry back to her room to eat by herself. She didn't care if all the good dishes were gone, she hardly had any appetite anyway.
In the initial days of being rejected, she had naively hoped Caden would change his mind. Maybe he was just beside himself with grief over Ava's death, and he wasn't thinking straight? Surely, he would come to his senses and realise Lily was his true mate? As the days turned into weeks, she had thought, maybe he would at least make contact with her, he must want to know if she was alright? In desperation Lily rang his cell phone number from the packhouse landline, but it went straight to voicemail. She didn't leave a message, she figured he would see the number, and know it was her that called. He never rang back. One particularly sorrowful evening, she got out her watercolours and began painting, she got lost in her artistic moment. When she had finished her artwork, she realised she had beautifully depicted Caden's large black wolf nuzzling her smaller golden wolf, they were entwined in a loving embrace. With tears in her eyes, she carefully placed the watercolour picture in a plastic pocket and sealed it up in a A4 sized brown envelope. She addressed it formally to Alpha Knight and marked it confidential, she wanted to write him a letter, but she didn't dare. She knew anything addressed to an Alpha marked confidential would only be seen by him, but just in case she didn't want to write anything that could give away they were mates. She hoped the heart felt picture was worth more than a thousand words. Posting it off to Mystic Falls, she waited patiently for a reply. After eight weeks went by with no reply, she stopped counting the days, and vowed never to write to him again.
Four weeks ago, the last of her hope evaporated. She had been eating lunch in the cafeteria, when she overheard a few of the she-wolves gossiping.
"It is so romantic" sighed Lisa, an 18-year-old she-wolf "they secretly claimed each other when they were only 18, our age! They were hidden mates for 8 years, until the CBC discovered their secret".
"I heard when the CBC captured Delta Ava, Alpha Knight single handedly rescued her, only to have her die in his arms. She professed her love to him in her dying breath" replied Vanessa.
Well Lily knew that part of the story wasn't true.
"Did you hear about his vows? He vowed to honour and cherish her until his dying day. He has sworn never to take another mate, and Ava has been given Luna status even in her death. The only she-wolf to ever achieve both Delta and Luna status, how incredible is that? Poor Alpha Knight, he must be so heart broken to lose such an amazing mate, no other female could ever compare to her", lamented Lisa.
"I don't know, maybe he'll eventually have a change of heart. He is so damn sexy; I'll gladly help him through the lonely nights" sighed Vanessa.
"Yeah, you and every other she-wolf in the country! He'll be beating them off with a stick now". The girls started laughing, while Lily's food got stuck in her throat. Lily had heard enough; she ran back to the pack house crying. When she was back in her room, she only just made it to her toilet to vomit up her lunch. That was the last time she ate at the cafeteria.
The knocking was getting louder.
"Lily if you don't open this door, I'm going to use my master key to open it!"

The Blue Blood Alpha
WerewolfA rejected mates, second chance, secret baby romance novel with a twist. "I, Caden Knight, Alpha of the Mystic Falls Pack, reject you Lily Rose of Silver Moon Pack! From this day forth I release you from our mate bond". Lily clutches her chest and...