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-Before we begin, here are some things that will be needed in order to read this story.-

╭🍷╮ means "The Past"

╭🔥╮means "Dreaming/Back To Reality"

╭⌯╮means "Time Skip"

╭⌬╮means "Quick Flashback"

-There might be more later, depends if I need to make it for whatever reason, but yeah.-

-Don't worry, I will put "╭🍷╮(the past)" as a reminder for the first, maybe, five chapters. That way you all can get use to recognizing whats happening.-

-By The Way, The original photo of the cover was not made by me! I just edited it heavily for the cover of the book! The original photo will be in Chapter 1.-

-I sadly don't know who originally made it but all credit goes to them. :3-

-Enjoy and on to the Story!-

Lmao, look at two an a half years ago me! Ya didn't even publish this!!


Hi, this is a story and this is a short explanation on why this story is here!

I suddenly disappeared for awhile and couldn't continue writing due to some personal issues and job practices.

This is a book that has been a draft for a very long time but is now being published to satisfy you guys until I can completely come back to continue all my other books that I was actually writing or was doing at the moment before my disappearance.

This book has 27 chapters so I think that should be enough until I come back right?

I hope you all enjoy and have fun!



Heavy breaths and steps were all that were within my line of hearing. Leaves crunching underneath my every step as my legs ran with whatever energy I had left.


My legs took me as far as they could carry me before tripping over a root of a tree and I went tumbling down a hill.

Nothing but my small shrieks and pained groans as I landed next to a river of sorts.

A chunk of my hair and hand in the water as I was almost as close to falling in. Any bigger of a tumble and I would have fallen in.

My body begged me to just roll in and drown myself but what good would that do?



I got up as best as I could but fell as I heard something being dragged on dirt. I tried to push myself into the water next but it was too late.

I was grabbed by my ankles and pulled away from the water as I yelped.

They tied me up and snickered, grinning from ear to ear to see me so weak.

"You ain't goin no where, demon!"

"Demon, you say?"

A wave of screaming sang sweetly through my ears as splatters of blood lightly tapped my skin. The taste when it landed in my mouth was so enlightening.

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