╭Chapter 19╮

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⌯ The Next Day ⌯
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"Eat me .....~!"

"No, you aren't my demon, this isn't the frustrated, paranoid demon I started loving."

"I'd rather fuck you when you want it, not when some ...................... wants it."

I felt heat on my body as hands touched my ass.

'Is this a memory?'

"Keep begging, its not gonna change my mind. You aren't my version of her, yes she's beautiful but goddammit I want her permission to eat her! Not a ......................!"

'No it can't be a memory!'

"Why won't you love me?"

"Its not her! Its not her! Its not her! She would never say that, she doesn't even care about that- why would she-"

"Please, love me ......! I love you."

"I-...I love you too, but stop! Don't use her voice!"

'Who's voice- is this my past?'

"No no no...this is so unfair."

"Why did it have to be you, of all people..."


I woke up in a sweat as I sat up an looked around.


I saw smiles on my bed and slowly got up to not disturb him. I left my room and headed off on my own. I saw toby an he saw me, his body bouncing as if he was shocked.

I went closer an he seemed focused on me.

"Do you k-know h-h-how early i-it-i-i-it is?" He asked

'Very if you're asking.'

"Well if its so early, then why are you up?" I asked

He hummed as he ticked and then grabbed my hand.

"Touché." He teased

He pulled me away and took me to the stairs. We went down them and then he lead me to the back porch and we were outside now.

It was calm as it was also slightly dark. The sun very slowly rising, still not even showing.

Tobys arms then wrapped around my waist as his head nuzzled comfortably next to my head. Zalgo did this a lot when he missed me or wanted attention.

Which first of all, let me know toby liked me.


"Are y-y-you okay?" Toby asked," I haven't b-be-bee-b-been able t-t-to a-sk since the i-in-in-cident."

Although I wanted to be let go, he seemed concerned rather than anything so it changed my mind about him liking me.

He doesn't like me, he's just concerned.

"I wasn't told much about what happened, just that you an masky had to stop me." I replied," but I'm fine, I wasn't exactly affected by it."

I didn't really want to be held so I tried to get away an he let me.

"But I don't like being touched." I added

"Right, I'm sorry." He said

"Its fine." I replied

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