╭Chapter 3╮

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≒≀≓. .|. ∹
A Month Later ≬∶≬≻
≒≀≓. .|. ∹



"You don't know? Really?" He asked

"If I did then it'd probably help explain a lot." I replied," I do know one of my parents must have been a vampire as I have a hunger for blood, the sun burns me when I'm on my period, and I have a scarily great sense of smell."

"Well thats a start." He smiled

He gently put his hand under my chin and made me look at him.

"Your eyes." He said," they look like those of a succubus?"

"A succubus? A lust demon?" I asked

"Yes- I'm not saying one of your parents was a lust demon, but it may be possible as you'd have their traits." He said

I hummed as he looked a bit lost or hypnotized.

"Would you like to see my castle?" He asked, a smile blooming onto his lips

"Well of course, My Lord." I teased

He chuckled and got up, lending me his hand as he gave me a sweet smile.

"Take my hand, let me show you my world." He said a bit excited

I smiled, taking his hand and suddenly being in a dark place of heat and red.

I seemed to have been the only thing with color as I almost didn't see a difference in the buildings or castle.

"This is my home, and I want you to be my guard!" He said joyfully," be with me forever, love..! Please..?"

He looked so happy to have asked, but its not like I had a choice. He does own me now.

"Well thats an easy choice." I replied," especially since there isn't one."

He hummed in delight and took me into his castle. He gave me a room, clothes, food and a roof over my head.

All just to be his guard...forever...

╭🔥╮end dream

I woke up and felt like my back was stabbed multiple times.

"Ack- ahhhhhhh!" I yelped with pain

I tried to bring out my wings but it only hurt more, excruciatingly more. I hugged myself and tried to find my wings.

"My wings! My wings! My wings! Why won't my wings come out!" I whimpered

A hand grabbed me and I panicked till something was poured on my back, calming me as the pain slowly resided.

I let out heavy puffs of breath as I tried to relax.

"My wings..." I mumbled

Suddenly everything came rushing back to me and I gasped. My cloud surrounded me and I tried to leave wherever I was but only found myself in front of stairs.

"What?" I hissed

I tried to go up them but something was in my way. I panicked slightly as my breathing grew heavy and I saw how close the walls were.

I imagined how small the room was and felt like there was no place to breathe or move. I was locked in a confined space which is what I hated most.

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