╭Chapter 11╮

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"You landed a strike on your commander?" Y/N said as she looked at her arm," and we aren't even on training grounds."

The demon bowed down and whimpered, it looked scared.

'No, this is all wrong!'

"I will admit, I haven't seen you in centuries so you're lucky." She said as she put her arm down," but once you go back to zalgo, you explain where you've been and maybe when I return I won't tell him a thing."

The demon transformed into a normal demon on its knees bowing to her.

"Yes commander, thank you!" The demon said, fear written in his voice

The demon opened a portal and jumped in, the portal disappearing as Y/N sighed.

"The nerve of some demons." She tsked


She turned to me and seemed unbothered.

"You can go now, I'm sure he'll inform any other demon who comes to attack the house and they should now leave you alone." She said


"Though they are attacking without orders and may be causing fights between both leaders." She said," but if thats the case then we won't see each other as often once the attacks stop."


I got up as she started to walk away to the house. I didn't move.

I knew the agreement would stop her from harming any of us but...I didn't attack her. I couldn't. The chains that still showed on her give me fear.

Fear that she will break free once I attack and then I'd be dead.

No, it wasn't fear.

"H-hey!" I shouted," y-you wait right there!"

She stopped an looked back at me.

'What am I doing?'

I tried to get myself together as she stood there and waited. I went up to her and expected myself to punch her or something but I just grabbed her arm.

She looked alert as she forced her arm out of my hand but I grabbed it again and made her look at me.

"Don't fight back, you don't have any medical supplies to heal this." I said

'What the fuck-'

She growled at me as I let go of her face and put my hand in my pocket. I didn't have any bandages so I took off my jacket an ripped it.

"Well it seems like neither you have the supplies to heal it." She hissed

'She doesn't like being touched, or helped really.'

"Whats the catch! Huh?" She demanded

I wrapped up her arm an pulled her toward me.

"There is no catch." I replied, hissed really," I'm just pissed off that you saved me."

'Thats a pathetic excuse.'

I finished wrapping up her arm and then shoved her away.

"Hey!" She barked, not liking the shove

"Go bark somewhere else!" I hissed

She growled at me but suddenly it was quiet. I looked back and saw she was gone. I felt less angry as I relaxed and went onto the porch.

'What the fuck was that...'

≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.
The Next Day
≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.

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