╭Chapter 9╮

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Masky POV

"Why did we listen to jane again?" Hoodie asked

"Because she said slender gave us orders to retrieve -O blood for Y/N." I said

"B-B-But we ne-never t-to-told slender about Y-Y-Y-Y/-Y/N needing blood to keep h-her c-c-alm." Toby questioned

I stopped and looked at toby as he was right.

"She sent us on a goose chase." Hoodie said

"Which must mean she wants something from Y/N- Shit!" I hissed

"W-We need to r-r-ru-run ba-back f-f-as-fast!" Toby said

We turned our asses around and rushed to the mansion but we were so far that we probably won't even make it in time for whatever jane had planned.

'We're so screwed!'


"I see..." Jane said," So after zalgo cut off your wings, you've lost a percentage of your power and a literal part of your body, is that right?"

I nodded and jane smirked.

"I remember seeing you battle, no matter what, you used your wings as a some sort of hidden weapon even though we were fully aware of them." She teased

"I remember smacking slender man with my wings once." I smiled

"What about when you used your wings to pin down ej and then gave him that fatal bite of yours!" She laughed

"Thats not funny but okay." Kage mumbled, Sipping his wine after

"Anyways..." Jane said," your wings were a big part of you, were they not?"

"Yes, they were." I replied," I loved my wings and they helped me a lot."

Her smirk grew as she hummed enlightened.

"Well its a good thing I read a book about demons recently!" She cheered

She stood up and snapped her fingers. Pinky and Clockworks running in the library with a cart and a big metal crate.

Kage gasped as if this was a drama that was unraveling before his eyes. I stood up as the two girls ran behind some shelves and waited eagerly.

"Slender man said that under no circumstances are we to buy wings for you as it might give you your missing power back and break his agreement with you." Jane said," but some of us can obviously see that you don't like being on the earth realm, you always look alert and uncomfortable."

She opened the crate and I felt my chest get heavy.

"So if it breaks your agreement with him and sets you free, then at least you will be back to the underworld where you seem less bothered and comfortable." Jane said

I went to the crate and saw demon wings. I was beyond shocked, beyond any sort of emotion.


"Stripes." Jane said," she came and dropped them off, but had me promise to only given them to you when I knew slender would be gone."


"Put them on." Jane encouraged

"Wait, we don't know if she'll kill us-"

The wings flapped as I turned around and waited for them to find their way onto my back. I felt them hit me hard and burn onto my back, connecting it's skin with mine.

I tried my best not to growl or groan with pain as this was a painful process for a demon. I could feel myself be more energetic and more powerful.

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