╭Chapter 6╮

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The Next Day
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I was up, I showered and was dressed in my outfit.


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I headed out my room but when I opened my door, toby was stood in front of it. I got alert and  was ready to summon my scythe.

He seemed to have noticed my alertness an took a step back.

"M-Masky and h-hoodie a-ar-are asleep." He said," its p-p-pr-pretty early."

I huffed through my nose as my cloud formed around me. I was in the hallway once it cleared away and just walked.

The chains appeared and clinked, making me growl as I went down the stairs. I could sense toby following as I got to the bottom.

No one.

"Good." I hissed

I went to the door and left outside. The longer chain appearing an I hissed.

"I fucking know slender man." I hissed

"It was just in case." Slender said calmly

I felt his presence disappeared as I clenched my hands into fists.

"Or to rub it in." I mumbled

I went to the stairs and looked up at the roof of the porch. I hopped up and grabbed the ledge, pulling myself up and moving more up onto the roof.

I sat by the wall and let out a small sigh. Looking at the view over the forest edge and letting myself relax...

╭⌯╮ time skip

Jeff POV

"So no one knows where this crazy bitch is?" I asked

"Nope, the proxies went missing with her." Kage said," losers."

"But she can't leave?" Lj asked confused

"I bet they're trying to look for her themselves." Jane said," but I can't help but feel a little bad for her."

"Why?" Ej asked dumbfounded

"Well when we fight them in the underworld- or hell- she doesn't seem very bothered." Jane said," but now that she's on earth, she looks uncomfortable and more alert."

"I heard she was born here on the over-world." Candy said

"Her?" I asked with disbelief," what dumbass did you hear that from?"

"Oh y'know- slender man." Candy smirked

"And I retract my statement!" I said

"What! A demon of whatever she is was born up here?" Kage asked

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