╭Chapter 13╮

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"C'mon, I swear it won't get you in trouble!" Jane promised

It was midnight and she was trying to convince me to go to the basement with her, clockworks, pinky, zero, scarecrow, and jill.

"I want to rest." I replied

"And you will once you at least see if you like socializing!" She smiled

"Ew!" I complained

She pulled me off my bed and took me to the door where the other girls were waiting. They saw me an smiled as they started walking down the hall.

"Wow jane, I'm starting to think you have blackmail on her to have her come do things she doesn't want to do." Jill teased

"No one here has anything on me." I immediately pointed out

"True." Pinky giggled

"I'm just very convincing." Jane said proud

"More like annoying." Jeff corrected as he passed by

Jane growled as clockworks grabbed her and stopped her from attacking.

"Relax jane, you know he only does it to make you chase him." Clockworks said calmly

I hummed as I ran ahead and caught up with jeff. He looked at me and smirked.

"Got tired of the bitch?" He asked

I shook my head as I smiled a lovely smile.

"Y'know you'd look lovely on a chandelier!" I said sweetly

He hummed confused till my cloud surrounded him and he was gone. I stopped an waited for the girls as they caught up and we got to the stairs.

We went down them as they asked me what I did to jeff. We made it to the bottom and jane laughed her ass off.

"Y/N I LOVE YOU!" Jane laughed

Jeff was on the living room chandelier as lj and kage were trying to get him down. I continued to the basement and a few of the girls followed.

"That was some well deserved karma." Scarecrow snickered

"Very much deserved." Pinky giggled

We got to the bottom and I saw it was a lot bigger than I last saw it to be. There was a few tables with food and drinks, another with human machines and colorful paper spread around.

"Ah yes, the normal basement party when its rushed and slenders away." Ej said as he came down

I looked at him and he stopped by us.

"By the way, I'm sorry about seed!" He said," he's not use to playing nice with you."

"Its fine." I replied," I get it, I snap sometimes and he has a fair point to attack me. Maybe even Revenge for all the times I've attacked you."

He chuckled a bit an then headed off.

"Enjoy the party." He cheered

More of the others started coming down and it started getting crowded. I moved to a corner as the girls joined me and chatted with each other.

The lights then dimmed as the doors up top closed.

"Lets get this party STARTED!!" BEN cheered

They all started cheering as music started being played loudly. The girls left to dance while I stayed in my corner.

I didn't feel comfortable being around confident and happy people. It was strange to even be at this party.

Cups and snacks were being taken from the table as everything became wild. People were jumping, dancing crazily, shouting and screaming and all kinds of other things.

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