╭Chapter 23╮

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"What do you mean more of the Kings are coming!!" I asked

"It wasn't just The lust ring, all the other rings want to come up and make an alliance with us." Zalgo said

"Well they can go suck hells dick, cause I'm not dealing with anymore snobby lords or marrying off stripes!" I warned

"My luv, if they look at you they're out! If they propose a marriage for peace, they're out!" Zalgo said," how does that sound?"

I shook my head.

"What if they propose to have our armies, or to have access to the human realm- they could ask for anything an in return they would offer something of no use to us!" I argued

He sighed as he saw I was right.

"We'll hear them out and then have them leave-"

"You can do that, I will patrol the castle and do my duties plus the ones you don't do." I said

I walked off an rake limbed besides me as he just arrived.

"Could you at least dress up to look professional?" Zalgo asked

"I am professional." I replied," Im a Commander, not A Royal."

My body froze and I knew zalgo was using the deal to control me.

"Luv, don't make me be the bad guy." Zalgo said calmly

I tried to get free but I knew better. I sighed as I felt my body get released of his control.

"Yes, my lord." I answered monotonously," I'll go change..."

Rake growled at zalgo as I started walking away again.

'It was bound to happen sooner or later...'

I got to my room an slightly closed my door, rake staying outside so I could change. I changed back into the dress I wore originally and then headed out again.

Rake looked at me an I crouched to him.

"Alright, whats hurting or didn't heal?" I asked

He showed me some wounds as my fangs grew an I gently kissed his head. The pink lining showed an I started healing his wounds and fractured leg.

Once it was complete I patted his head an stood up.

"Alright, lets go fulfill our duties." I sighed

"Zalgo lazy." Rake replied

"Yeah, but we don't say it to his face." I smiled

We walked off to go fulfill whatever I had to do an so I ordered some guards to gather me a list of needs or chores.

"Once I get my list of duties, I want guards all around the castle and an group of five waiting at the gates for any arrivals." I said," I want fliers above the gates to keep an eye out for slender incase he decides to attack."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Someone get me three guards for Atamaro, Batano, and Sinza! I want those boys heavily protected while we're dealing with arrivals." I said as more guards left to do as I said," Get me maori, and tell her I want her to have medical beds all ready incase."

A guard came with a list of things that needed to be done. I took it and scanned over the list as I felt a looming presence over me.

The guards were in an attack form as I looked up an saw Ansel. He was just looming over me with that same face expression.

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