╭Chapter 25╮

501 25 24


3rd POV

As battles were being carried out Slenders and Y/Ns seemed to have been the most destructive as their battle had made the ground shake vigorously.

But throughout the whole time, slender had only gotten one hit on Y/N. One.

She has landed multiple an is basically playing with his life to see when she wanted to end it or continue playing.

Masky and hoodie were now free as they passed by slender an Y/N. Coming back to see Y/N was really doing a number on slender.

"And he said he could handle her." Jeff scoffed

"Maybe we should help?" Masky suggested

"No, this is his karma." Jeff said being petty," he deserves this."

"C'mon." Ej said while masky an hoodie rolled their eyes but it wasn't seen

Though they knew this was true, they couldn't just sit back an let it continue happening.

They tried to get Y/Ns attention but she wasn't letting anything distract her. Only if it was important.

Suddenly Y/N did stopped as her head perked up. Slender was given some time to try an fight back while Y/N had just... disappeared.

"Where'd she go?" Hoodie asked

As they wondered where she went and slender growled, trying to find her again, she was with her number one Priority.

She was in front of The three princes. A few of the killers had found them and she saw them as a threat since she was still in a crazed stage of her anger.

She was growling wildly at them as they stepped back.

"Y/N relax, we weren't gonna hurt them." Lj said calmly

"We were looking for you to see if you were...okay?" Jane said but noticed the black blood she was almost covered in

"Did you murder slender man?" Pinky asked

She couldn't reply, she was still in berserk mode. They realized that an tried to calm her down by getting away.

She slowly calmed down as she stopped growling but stayed in an attack form.

"Boys, are you hurt." She asked simple as her senses were going crazy

"No, we're alright mom." Atamaro answered for the three

'Mom!' Jane thought a bit shocked

"But um, w-we're not scared or anything either but uh...could you not leave us, mom?" Batano asked

"We're not scared!" Atamaro said," just...um..miss you."

She let out a low soft growl as she sat down an stayed.

"C'mon guys." Jane said," we know better than to mess with kids."

No, they knew better than to mess with Y/N's Kids. They started leaving so they wouldn't anger Y/N or get on her bad side.

"Do you get attacked a lot?" Sinza asked

Y/N was focused on any dangers or change in atmospheres but she did hear his question.

"Zalgo fights with an earth creature named Slender man. They get into fights or wars almost all the time." She explained as she was still alert," a bit ago they had captured me and a bit recently I was just brought back to hell. Slender man is persistent though as well as zalgo, so both are currently fighting over me."

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