╭Chapter 12╮

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Several Days Later
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It's been several days and since then I had ordered stripes and rake to go back so I wouldn't hover over them an worry about their safety.

The proxies have hung around me more often as slender doesn't seem to use the chains against me when they're around.

I'm currently reading that book that the strange library gave me as it did have the answers I needed. That I wanted. 

The proxies were with me in my room just either being quiet or talking to one another. I was on my bed, they were on the floor next to my bed.

"I'm actually glad to see the chains have disappeared." Hoodie said," I can't imagine how hard having chains on you 24/7 feels likes."

"Noted, when zalgo captures me back an you all attack or he takes you hostage I'll put you in chains." I smiled

"HA!" Toby mocked hoodie

"Okay, I deserve that." Hoodie chuckled

I scoffed a chuckle as I continued reading.

"What are you reading?" Masky asked

I glanced at them for a moment as they were looking at me.

"That book looks old." Masky added

"Is that from the library?" Hoodie asked," I've never seen it before?"

"W-Whats i-i-i-it ab-ab-abou-about?" Toby asked

I looked back to the book and kinda hid it by picking up my legs an leaning back on the bed frame.

"I would like to keep that private please." I asked politely

"Alright." Hoodie said," but you should probably hide it if its important."

I nodded and closed the book. My cloud surrounded it and then it was gone. I sat up correctly and cleared my throat.

"Can we go get some blood?" I asked

"Sure." Toby replied

They got up and so did I as I stretched a bit once I was on my feet. We headed out my assigned room and they walked with me to the stairs.

"I just realized, where does your cloud or smoke take your things?" Hoodie asked," like your scythe."

I looked at him and thought about that for a small moment. I shrugged.

"I'm not sure where it goes." I replied," millennia's ago, me and zalgo tried to experiment and see where it went but we never found the specific place."

"Oh really?" Masky asked intrigued

"We brought a human camera and sent it in but all it showed was darkness." I shrugged

We got to the stairs and went down. I yawned a little as we descended the stairs and they seemed to have noticed.

"You're t-t-ired?" Toby asked

"Just a small yawn." I replied," I was sitting in a bed for hours."

"F-F-F-Fair." Toby replied

We got to the bottom and saw trender, lj, jason, pinky, zero, smiles, grinny and lastly jeff. They noticed us and trender stopped me.

"Hello Y/N, how are you?" He asked kindly

"Would you like a lie or a truth, darling child?" I asked

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