╭Chapter 24╮

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Two Days Later
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"Mooooommmm!! Bat's being a bitch!" Atamaro whined

I looked away from my list of chores to do as Atamaro clung to me an Batano looked upset.

"Just because I'm a king at Undead? What a sore loser!" Batano scoffed

"So immature.." Sinza said shaking his head," mom's busy, leave her alone!"

"Do we escort the princes-"

"Batano, don't brag as much! Yes you may be a champion but remember, they could easily win the next time you play." I said," and Atamaro, its alright to lose because when you win it gives you a hell of a lot of joy and bragging rights!"

"Yeah bat!" Atamaro smirked

"Don't make me take off my muzzle, cat!" Batano threatened

"I'm just gonna.." Sinza said, picking up the two an taking them away

The two complained to be put down while I giggled a bit at their behavior.

"Holy shit are they annoying." Stripes said

"They're you're siblings." I replied

She groaned as I looked at where she was an saw she was in fresh new clothes with her claws cleaned an ready.

"Going to go train the troops I see." I said

"Yeah, an today I'm making them suffer." She cackled

The guards with me gulped, probably hoping that I don't dismiss them to join the rest.

"Well have fun and don't kill them or you're grounded." I said

"Fine." She replied as I heard her walk away

I looked to the guards an slightly chuckled.

"Lucky for you I'm gonna need you for these chores." I said

They sighed relieved while rake snickered.

"Commander! One of the prisoners almost escaped!" A guard who came running said

I used my clouds as I found myself in the dungeon. I saw masky being held down by two guards while hoodie watched through his cell.

"So you two were the one's that were captured huh?" I asked

They looked at me as masky stopped struggling, masky gasping a bit when he saw me.

"Whats with the fancy dress?" Hoodie asked

"Some royal is visiting, zalgo wants me to look pretty." I said, a bit disgusted by the word

I look just as beautiful in my commander outfit but I guess I have to look pretty.

"I'm almost offended by it though." I sorta teased then got serious again," anyways, guards! Put him in a new holding cell."

"Yes ma'am."

They started dragging masking into a new cell as locked the door once they threw him in.

Thats till I remembered something and smirked.

"Ironic how I was captured and chained and now you two are captured and chained." I said slightly amused

"But...we aren't chained?" Hoodie questioned

I gave him a bright smirk an they both seemed to have remembered.

"Aw fuck." Masky an hoodie said in unison.

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