╭Chapter 7╮

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Masky POV

Its been hours since Y/N disappeared with sally. Toby suddenly disappeared too after jane an pinky tried killing jeff.

Me me hoodie are just by the locked door of Y/Ns room, or the room she's currently occupying, incase they were inside.

"Is the door always locked?" Hoodie asked

"I don't know, but I never see it open anymore." I replied," and Slenderman has made all the doors lock pick proof for our dumbasses."

"Fair." Hoodie shrugged

I leaned on the wall and sighed.

"Where did toby even go?" Hoodie questioned

"Probably on a waffle run or something." I shrugged

"No, he'd tell us before disappearing." Hoodie said curious

"Curiosity killed the cat, hoodie." I replied cautiously

"And yet, the cat comes back." Hoodie said

I looked at him and noticed toby coming but was almost covered in blood.

"What did you go do?" I asked


The door lock clicked and I looked at Y/Ns door to see it slightly open. I stepped away as the room was dark, no light from the slightly opened door.

Suddenly toby grunted and I turned around to see Y/N was on top of toby on the floor.

'She's so fast!'

"I thought you were a human!" She hissed," if it weren't for the agreement with slender you'd be dead!"

"T-technically I-I'm still h-h-hu-human." Toby replied

"You've lived long past normal human years looking like a young angel, you aren't human." She slightly hissed

She was getting up till toby grabbed her arm which made her react and pin him down again.

Toby didn't seem bothered as he chuckled.

"M-My bad!" Toby apologized," but I'm j-j-just t-trying to g-ive you the b-bot-bottle!"

She looked slightly confused but also slightly let him go. She looked curious. Toby slowly reached down as she watched, moving her legs away from his reach.

She got away from him an growled as she sat near the wall. Toby grabbed something from his hoodie pocket as he sat up.

He took it out an it was his bottle with a few stains of blood. He handed it to her and she looked shocked.

"I made a-a-a g-guess that y-y-y-ou were gonna f-fill it for b-b-blood." Toby said

She looked like she had realized something that me an hoodie couldn't understand. She leaned forward, reaching her arm out and grabbing the bottle.

The liquid slightly shaking inside as we can hear it. She still looked shocked, it just didn't change.

She then disappeared into clouds but reappeared in those same clouds with sally in her arms.

"Hi guys!" Sally giggled

She put sally down and patted her head.

"Go to sleep, eat and drink something. Behave and maybe listen to slender man, princess." Y/N said sweetly

"Fine!" Sally pouted

Sally ran off and Y/N disappeared again. The door slammed closed behind me as I flinched a bit, the lock clicking as I groaned.

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