╭Chapter 10╮

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- after this chapter I will not put a reminder of what the ╭⌯╮ mean. But if you do need a reminder I will comment over them saying what they are. Thank you and Enjoy! -

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The Next Day
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"Y/N." Stripes called

I looked at the little 6 year old demon as she sat with me and seemed sad.

"Yes, my beautiful blood splatter?" I asked

"W-Why's dad always fighting with the tall white creature?" She asked

"Hm?" I hummed as I put my scythe to Ej's neck," Good question, my lil splatter!"

Ej jumped back as The proxies gave it their shot to attack us while slender an zalgo were fighting in the background.

"They fight because zalgo has upset slender man once again by doing a scheme together to bring down the white ender." I explained," Even though he is a king who needs to keep the peace over his kingdom to which I have to do when he sits in his throne all day, take care of his daughters that he so recklessly creates but I cherish, train his soldiers which I train, and many more other things that I end up taking care for him my dear little blood splatter."

I blocked toby with my scythe and smacked him back, making him hit hoodie as masky came and lunged at us. Rake tackled masky and landed his own attack as masky yelped with pain.

"So...papa just hates the big white creature while you rule the kingdom?" She asked," Thats why you're my mom!"

I smiled at her and hummed.

"Yes, Lord zalgo hates slender man while I take care of all his duties." I said," I sadly am not your mother but if you see me as so then you may call me as such a name."

She giggled as her sharp teeth glimmered. She then became sad as I picked her up an my scythe went away into my clouds. My wings sprouted from my back and I took flight to get away from the fight for a moment.

"What's wrong, princess?" I asked

She fiddled with her fingers as she avoided looking at me directly.

"Does papa not want me..?" She asked

I was surprised at the question but I smiled nonetheless.

"Lord zalgo loves you, but he forgets to ever show any of these said feelings because he is blinded by rage and idiocy." I said gently," I'm not sure if he will ever show signs of being a real father but who knows, he might surprise us both? Yes, I hate that he doesn't show you the attention you deserve just because he fights with slender almost every other week but till then, I will be your mother. I will raise you and show you the love you deserve, my little blood splatter."

She smiled a little and hugged me as I landed back onto the ground an summoned my scythe. I smiled as she seemed to have started crying.

I sliced the proxies and a few of the killers as they all tried to attack me at once. They were now injured and slender had to retreat as I did my best to calm the little demon girl.

"There there, why don't we go for a fly over the city?" I asked gently," Yes? Would you like that?"

She nodded into my shoulder and I started flying without a second thought to calm the little demon of her tears and neglect...

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