╭Chapter 21╮

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"THREE, FOUR, TWO, FIVE! LIFT THOSE ROCKS ABOVE THE SKY!" Stripes commanded while I watched from the sidelines

She was training our army of demons an species while I was given a break an time to care for myself or recover from everything thats happened.

"USE YOUR WINGS! C'MON GET FLYING!" Stripes commanded

Our soldiers were supposed to lift boulders while flying, getting them above the clouds an then carrying them back down.

Our top three finished ages ago, but some of the lower ranked demons haven't even lifted them an inch.

"Enough!" I ordered

The demons stopped an took a break as I got up an went to the rocks.

"Watch carefully." I said," in order to carry something as big as a boulder, you need to think about different battle situations that would need you to carry something heavy."

My wings came out as I got ready for a demonstration.

"For example!" I said as I lifted the boulder an took flight," picture yourselves in a heated war, zalgo an slender are tearing each other apart while you are ordered to carry out to the battle field a crate of supplies or armory."

I dropped the rock an it landed back in its place as I landed above it.

"You would need strength and time on your side as you are ordered to take these supplies within 10 minutes but the field is miles away." I said," try lifting this boulder with me above it, but with the scenario I've placed in your heads."

The demon stepped forward and expanded his wings for flight. He tried to lift the boulder an took flight at the same time, he struggled of course but slowly was able to lift the boulder.

"The time to get supplies has shortened an you're required to get there within 5 minutes." I said," everyone, lift these supplies into the skies within 5 minutes!"

They all did the same thing an soon they all took flight with the boulders. The skies were a beautiful sight in hell an all its glory. A handful of demons celebrated as I commanded then to drop the boulders.

I took flight an congratulated them, but scolded them into working harder an thinking of situations to help them be like the top three soldiers.

We started flying down and I put my hands on my hips with a smirk on my face.

"Don't think this will always work, anything can happen in battle but battle will always make you stronger." I said," you could be just as good as the top three soldiers, but you could be just as strong as the Top Three Commanders."

I went back to the sidelines an let stripes take over.

"Alright wing fighters, off the field an back to your bunks! Get me my ground fighters an make them be here in 2 minutes!" Stripes ordered

The fliers were gone within seconds an stripes turned to me and crossed her arms.

"What?" I asked

"Show off." She complained

"I did no such thing!" I smirked

She scoffed an rolled her eyes, coming toward me and taking a seat.

"I'm not as strong as you..." she said," not as convincing as you..."

I patted her head an knew where this was going.

"You're as strong as you make yourself to be." I said," not what others make you to be."

"I'm only a commander because I'm zalgos daughter!" She hissed

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