╭Chapter 4╮

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I have finished showering and changing into fresh undergarments and fresh new suit.


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My original was all dirty, but I wasn't surprised they stocked the drawers with many more new pairs for me. Its the only thing I ever wear these days.

Sure a dress may not be the best but zalgo admired it and ordered me to wear it each day.

I got in bed and found it to be very comfortable. I laid down and couldn't even feel the chains.

When I was changing the dress just went through it. When I grab them though they are as solid as ever. A bit too over thought of if you ask me.

Anyways, I was comfortable to which I was at least grateful they gave me a comfy bed.

I sighed as I pulled the covers over me and tried to sleep. I huffed through my nose and grumbled.

'I won't be able to sleep.'

I turned onto my back, being gentle an soft as I didn't wanna hurt myself. I stared at the ceiling and let my mind wonder off to nowhere.

I let my eyes close at least to see if I'd fall asleep without my knowing.

I suddenly felt light kisses on my neck and jumped up only to feel and see no one.

"I'll get you back, love." Zalgos voice echoed," don't worry, I'll do whatever it takes to have you back."

I felt the kisses again and hands slide onto my thighs.

"I miss you so much..." He whined, sounding regretful

"Why can I feel you, but...but not feel you?" I asked quietly

His touch felt like wind drifting onto specific parts of my body.

"I can't physically be with you, but in the shadow realm I can be here but still so far." He answered

'He answered me.'

I turned around, sitting on my knees and taking a guess where his face would be. The wind cupped in my hand as wind went over my hand.

"Sleep." I said softly

"I can't..." He whimpered," you're not here...'

"I am here." I replied," I'm just not there."

I leaned forward and fixed myself to lay down as his body went down with mine. I felt comfortable to at least know someone I knew would spend the night with me even if he was in the shadow realm.

He didn't speak anymore as I closed my eyes and let myself rest. I wanted to sleep away my worries and anger due to me being in a different place.

"I don't deserve you..." He whispered softly

I felt my body on the bed again as the wind was gone. I sat up and looked around a bit in confusion as zalgo is never like this.

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