╭Chapter 20╮

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Masky POV

"I hate rain storms." I mumbled as I grabbed a new dry shirt

The lights started flickering and I looked at toby who was laying under his covers with a flashlight.

He came out from under them an looked at me confused as his mask was off.

"D-d-did th-th-e lights just fli-fli-f-fli-cker?" Toby asked

"Yeah, probably just kage pulling a prank." I shrugged

He hummed an suddenly I had a really bad feeling.

"Wheres Hoodie?" Toby asked

Right on cue, Y/N roared Loudly to a point where the house shook violently. Hoodie shouting for help afterwards.

I put on a shirt quickly an ran out with toby. We ran down the hall an hoodie came bursting through Y/Ns door, shattering her door into pieces.

We ran closer an I looked inside to see zalgo holding an unconscious demon Y/N. There was glass on the floor and her bed was flipped an looked broken.

The glass was from the window and the rain was pouring in. A portal was opened behind him.

"Buh bye~!" Zalgo cooed with a wide grin

I don't know what I was thinking but at that moment, I ran in and tackled zalgo but ended up in hell with him an Y/N.

Zalgo kicked me off and suddenly I was suffocating.

"Slender took my Queen, So I guess now I take his proxy!" He grinned

I was knocked out, cold. But now, this was where all real hell broke loose...

⍨ ⍨
⌯ The Next Day ⌯
⍨ ⍨



"Look at her, this is our child Mizzy!"

"Our beautiful girl."

"The first of her kind, mizzy! Can you believe that?"

"We made the first of her kind, Devondo."

"But you do know what we...what we have to do right?...once she's of age..."

"Stop! I don't want to think about it!"

"But my love-"

"Devo, my blood love, I don't want to hear it!...I want to raise her-"

"You know exactly why we can't, my little love bite..." 

"Don't look at me like that-"

"Love bite..."


"D. S. A! We're looking for two-"

"Take her an run!"

"Devo no!"

"Run my love! Run!"


"My love, are you awake?" Zalgo asked quietly

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