╭Chapter 8╮

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I put the bottle down on the table and got up. I stood in front of the door and waited as I yawned.


The door slammed open and rake lunged in but I caught him as I finished yawning.


"Rake, what have I told you about lunging into a room with a closed door?" I asked

"But commander-"

"Do not complain like a child, answer my question." I said

He groaned a bit and then let himself loosely hang in my arms.

"When entering a closed room, do not lunge toward it as a weapon or trap might be waiting inside." Rake said

"And what just happened?" I teased

"I caught by commander..." He mumbled

"Have you learned your lesson?" I asked

"Yes." Rake answered

"Good." I teased," Imma put you down now, okay?"

He grumbled as I put him down calmly and then went back to my seat on the couch. No one was on it as I laid on it and got comfortable.

"So like....we're just gonna say nothing about this..?" Lj asked," nothing..? No?...alright!"

I sensed someone coming closer and so my cloud formed around me as I found myself in my assigned room for the time being.

I looked around and decided to explore the room, see what it has to offer. I knew about the drawers and the clothes it had for me but what was in the closet?

I went to it and opened it up. It was dark and seemed to have been a lot deeper than I had thought. I went deeper to look for a switch or little rope to pull on for the light.

I felt something tap my head till I felt a cold breeze after.

"My love~!" Zalgo cooed

I got out of the closet and closed the door.

"Come back." Zalgo begged

I felt cold wrap around my waist as I sighed and stood still.

"Really? Even when I'm prisoner?" I asked

"I miss you..." He whimpered

I felt the coldness press more against my back as I felt a bit aggressive. The light taps of coldness on my neck made me want to shiver.

"Zalgo." I called calmly

He didn't answer as I still felt the wind moving.

"Zalgo!" I almost hissed," I'm not in the mood for this and I want to leave already!"

The taps stopped as I clenched my hands into fists. Yes, the earth realm is beautiful but I hate it with every fiber of my being.

At the underworld it felt somewhat like home and I was treated a little bit better.

"I don't want to be on this realm anymore so for once stop needing me for sexual tendencies and just get me back to the underworld." I said," you know exactly why I don't want to be on this realm and yet you're not doing much of anything!"

"I'm trying my best, love. You know how hard it is to find this mansion each time we try to look!" He said, not angry with me for talking back," I am trying to do something but I can't think straight knowing you are in my enemies hands."

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