╭Chapter 14 ╮

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≒≀≓.      ~      ≒≀≓.
The Next Day
≒≀≓.      ~      ≒≀≓.



"Stripes wait-"

Stripes growled as she opened a portal and ran away for the third time this year. I looked to zalgo as he sighed and looked at me.

"On it, my lord." I replied, already knowing what he wanted

"Thank you, love." He replied tired

He opened a portal for me and I ran in. I brought out my wings and flew in the direction her presence was. I found her and landed near her as she was strangling a human and stabbing the gut.

She growled as she then tore the head off and breathed heavily out of rage and exhaustion. She looked at me as I got on my knees and opened my arms to her.

Her anger turned to tears as she got up an stumbled her way to me, crashing on her knees and hugging me.

I hugged her back gently as I let her cry.

"I hate him!" She hissed with tears

"I know princess." I replied gently," but you're not gonna like everything in this world. You will hate and you will love, just choose whatever you wanna hate and whatever you wanna love."

The poor 16 year old demon continued to cry as I kept her in my arms.

"He doesn't deserve you, mom!" She complained," he just doesn't!"

She hugged me tighter as I stroked her hair and tried to calm her.

"I don't have a choice, little splatter." I replied softly," I never did..."


I slowly woke up but felt so comfortable. My head was pounding as if my brain no longer wanted to be within my skull.

My stomach was upset and I didn't feel like getting out of bed. I did feel movement but I didn't move. My senses felt one person around.

"I swear if you freak out-"

I opened my eyes and sat up but my eyes widened even more when I saw masky was somewhat underneath me.

My hand was on his chest and I took it away as I backed away an got off the bed.

"What the fu-"

"Offender drugged you last night so me, hoodie and toby took you away and brought you to your room." He explained

He explained how this happened and reassured me that nothing happened. I sighed relieved as I sat on the edge of the bed.

My stomach still hurt but even worse now since I got up so quickly.

"You alright?" Masky asked

I let my eyes close gently as I felt sick. I couldn't feel much but I suddenly felt active. I could hear a faint voice but suddenly it was louder.

"Y/N!" Masky called

I opened my eyes and gasped...

I was sitting over masky with his jacket unzipped, his hands holding my wrist as if stopping me. My clouds took me away and I was on the other side of the room.

I looked at myself and then my stomach felt sick again. I hugged myself an groaned.

I refused to close my eyes as I looked at masky with anger.

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