╭Chapter 5╮

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(Photo taken by Me, the Author)

"Is it true that you are Zalgo's Strongest proxy!" Sally asked

"Yes, that is true! But rake, stripes and everyone else is stronger in their own way. Like how rake can take you all down with a single hit to somewhere vital!" I smiled

"Is true you're his commander because you're better than rake and them?" Sally asked

"I'm not exactly sure? Stripes is his daughter to which she could be the commander at any second and currently since Im being held prisoner she is." I explained," but I'm only his commander because me and zalgo met when he was first made King."

"So stripes might be stronger than you!" Sally gasped

"No, I trained her!" I smiled," she can beat me a few times, sure, but she can't really surpass me until she controls her anger and powers to a point where I can not win against her."

"But you got really angry when you were outside?" Sally questioned

"When I am hungry, I go all sorts of wild. Especially when I am forced to stay somewhere and not get what I need." I explained," I became angry because I was hell bound to this house and the silver chains burned my wrists which angered me ever so slightly that I went on a rampage to break free."

"Relatable." Sally nodded

"It also came out worse due to me being a prisoner, losing my wings, this mornings anger with offender, and many other things that I've been angry or frustrated with but couldn't show said emotion for reasons either unfair or judged." I explained

"What happened this morning?" She asked curiously

"Well, offender-"

"Whoa whoa whoa- hey, I am so so sorry! Please! I am begging you not to tell her!!" Offender begged as he ran next to the couch an leaned over us

I growled at him and kept sally close.

"He gave me a rude awakening and I couldn't defend myself due to me and slenders agreement to which one of the policies says I can not hurt or kill anyone in this house for as long as I am a prisoner." I complained," which is a major flaw as I couldn't defend myself from offenders harassment!"

"OFFENDY!!" Sally whined

Offender groaned and then teleported away. I huffed through my nose but sighed as I was still hungry.

"Don't worry Y/N, I will make uncle offendy leave you alone!" Sally beamed," and everyone else who tries to do something stupid!"

She then got off my lap and grabbed the chains.

"C'mon, lets go through ej's food!" Sally said," he probably has something you can eat!"

"What am I, you're servant-"

"PLEASEEEEEEEEEE!!" Sally screamed

She kept going all the while I watched her.

'She seems very persistent to give me something to eat?'

I looked at her little hand on my chains as my hand opened up, my brain comparing the two as she continuously begged ej.

"Ugh, sally shut up." Jeff complained, throwing a pillow at her

It hit her in the face to which she fell and stopped screaming. Her hand letting go of my chain. She looked fine but she looked upset.

I growled and snapped my head to jeff.

"Smooth jeff." Smiles said sarcastic," real smooth."

"Aw, you've got to be kidding me-"

"Y/N!!" Sally cheered with an evil grin," get jeff!"

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