╭Chapter 18╮

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Two Days Later
≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.


"Okay, now carefully approach and don't make any sudden moves." Ej said gently

I took in a deep breath as I slowly got up and held the decapitated human head in my hands. I slowly approached the beast as he gave me a low growl.

"Carefuullll." Ej said quietly," carefuuuulllllll!"

I got in front of it and offered the head to it.

"Are we cool?" I asked as he sniffed my offer

He ate the head and then laid down.

"Nice!" Ej cheered," Seedeater and you are now on peaceful terms!"

I chuckled a bit and stepped back a bit.

"I wonder how long that'll last." I teased

"Ah, don't worry! Slender seems persistent to keep you here at the house, so you might be on our side for awhile." Ej shrugged with a playful tone

"Thats not funny." I teased as I playfully punched his shoulder

He chuckled and we turned to the house an headed back.

"Alright, betting time!" Ej teased," I bet jane an jeff are going to be fighting once we enter."

"How much are you putting down for it, hm cannibal man?" I asked playfully

"50!" He said

"Alright, I bet masky an toby are gonna be in the living room while hoodie runs in from the kitchen an shouts who ate the ice cream!" I said," I'm putting down 100."

"Alright, I'm raising it to 200 then!" Ej said

I laughed as we started jogging.

"You won't win." I teased

"Yes. I. Will." Ej said confidently

We got inside and to the living room to see masky an toby. Ej crashed onto his knee's as hoodie came running in.

"Who ate the-"

"NOOOOO!" Ej shouted

"Jeez, I'm upset too but chill." Hoodie said

"Ej just lost 200 human dollars." I said," but other than that, I now have 200 more to my name!"

"Oh, lmao." Hoodie sneered

"Pay up, cannibal man." I smirked

"Why do I always lose!" Ej whined

He got up an took out his wallet, paying me my respected money. We've recently been betting on things and so far I've been winning.

Jeff refuses to play with me when it comes to betting now and kage is salty about it. Lj just laughs because he hasn't lost a penny.

Lj bets on my bets and we both earned 1,200 last time we played as a group which was yesterday.

"I'm betting on your bets from now on- I'm becoming broke here!" Ej complained

"I know." I snickered," the best part is, I won't ever have a use for human money!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Ej groaned

I then felt cramps and hissed. They stopped playing an asked if I was alright as I tried to relax.

"Yeah, just some cramps." I replied," I'm fine."

"Periods look painful." Hoodie said

"Its worse when you're a demon." I added

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