╭Chapter 17╮

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⌯ The Next Day ⌯
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I woke up and had a horrible headache. I felt I was in a bed which concerned me as I got up an looked around.

I was in the dungeon, or room, and saw nothing wrong. I looked at myself an saw I was half naked with just my underwear, bra, and tobys jack.

'Oh no, please no!'

I looked around and sorta panicked as I tried to find anything else that could give me a clue on what happened.

Then the door opened and I quickly covered myself as I looked at the door in fear.

It was jane and she saw the fear in my eyes.

"Please tell me I didn't do what I think I did." I begged

"No!" She said," no, you didn't! Masky and toby stopped you but masky didn't tell us much of anything."

I sighed relieved as she came in an closed the door.

"You don't have to cover yourself, I won't judge." She said," but do you remember anything?"

I leaned back as I settled the blanket on my lap.

"All I remember is leaning against the tree in the new location and then feeling like I was on cloud 9." I replied

She sat on my bed an hummed.

"Well from what I heard, offender undid your chain once the drug took affect and you're first target was masky." She said," we have no idea how long you two were together for or what happened, but we do know you two didn't go far because masky stopped you. Then we were informed that you got loose and were here to which toby found you guys an was able to help stop you."

'So both of them saw me half naked.'

I groaned as I put my hands over my face and became annoyed. Embarrassed actually.

"Hey~!" Jane teased," look on the bright side! You got to leave the house, you don't remember it, slender man is still gone, and you aren't in trouble because we're all taking this to our graves!"

I scoffed at her as I put my hands down and gave her a slight smile.

"Are the proxies okay?" I asked

She took in a small breath as she seemed to think about it.

"Hoodie is alright, masky seems to be okay for the most part an toby- well he's toby." She said playfully," yes, they're okay."

I slightly shook my head as the door opened.

"Oh my god, you're hot!" Pinky slightly shouted," look at those tits- I'm gay now!"

"PINKY!!" The proxies, jeff, ej, lj, kage, trender, and smile dog shouted

"I wanna see!" Sally shouted

I laughed a bit at the reactions as jane shook her head. Sally came in as pinky closed the door afterwards.

"Damn, you're sexy." Sally smiled

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